Computer virus makes you an unwitting child porn collector


Huked on fonix werx!
Premium Member
Oct 20, 2006
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From Yahoo: Computer virus makes you an unwitting child porn collector : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech

Talk about horrifying: A growing trend in the computer malware world involves viruses and other exploits that turn your PC into an unwitting haven for child pornography.

Having your credit card numbers or even your identity stolen are bad, but if you're caught with child porn on your computer, you could be facing hard time. That's exactly what has happened in more than one case when an innocent person, their computer infested with pornography downloaded by malware without their knowledge, has risked imprisonment for the crimes of someone else. In the case of Michael Fiola, the man had to spend $250,000 defending himself when his laptop became infected with malware, causing it to visit "as many as 40 child porn sites per minute." It took nearly a year for the case to be dropped, and Fiola now considers his life to be ruined by the ordeal.

For hackers, it makes perfect sense to hijack other people's computers to do their dirty work for them. Even a hint of underage pornography on a computer can lead to serious consequences for those caught with it, so why not just infect someone else's machine and store your illegal stash there? (The files can even be viewed and managed remotely via remote access tools -- the linked story above refers to this as turning infected PCs into "a warehouse for pictures and videos.") The hacker never has to compromise his own hard drive with the contraband at all... but the unsuspecting can be devastated by it.

SFGate notes that it's easy to pooh-pooh the "I have a virus" defense, but we do so at our own risk: "It's an example of the old `dog ate my homework' excuse," says Phil Malone, director of the Cyberlaw Clinic at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society. "The problem is, sometimes the dog does eat your homework."

Prosecutors even call it "the SODDI defense: Some Other Dude Did It." And in general it's been ineffective. Many a defendant remains behind bars, unable to convince a jury that he wasn't the one that put the pictures on his computer.

There's only one thing you can do to protect yourself, and that's ensure that your computer is secure and up-to-date with its malware protections. File-sharing programs appear to be exceptionally apt at being carriers for this kind of stuff, so use peer-to-peer apps with extreme caution.
This reminds me of an episode of C.S.I. where this guy was a sex offender out on parole. He did his best to avoid online porn, but they still found porn on his computer and his computer showed traces of looking at porn online. Upon deeper research, they found that it wasn't his fault... a neighbor (who wanted him to go back to jail) sent him a virus that fills his computer with unstoppable pop-ups.
This reminds me of an episode of C.S.I. where this guy was a sex offender out on parole. He did his best to avoid online porn, but they still found porn on his computer and his computer showed traces of looking at porn online. Upon deeper research, they found that it wasn't his fault... a neighbor (who wanted him to go back to jail) sent him a virus that fills his computer with unstoppable pop-ups.

i agreed!!
I remember when we first switched from dial up to high speed Internet, we had problems with porn pop-ups on our computer. It was so frustrating because my daughter would use the computer and get all these porn images flashing in her face.
I remember when we first switched from dial up to high speed Internet, we had problems with porn pop-ups on our computer. It was so frustrating because my daughter would use the computer and get all these porn images flashing in her face.

Use Firefox...
Years ago, I bought a PC from a friend. (Our 1st one). And we had porn pop-ups!...MY friend came over, and said "I'll fix it"....still we got those damn pop-ups...I would not let the boys use the computer....matter of fact, I threw it in the trash....

We've never watched porn. I've no problem with our computer (we've had 2 since then). The boys need and use it for myspace and school work, and I keep our computer in the living room, so I can keep an eye on what is going on. For adults who want to watch porn, that's their business. But when you got kids, it's another issue.
Oh that was like 7 years ago..the problem had been taken care of. It just reminded me of those days.

Yup, I got alot alot alot of pop-up when I use IE on new XP in last 7 years ago and it has spyware and adware too, very annoying and it has been taken care after use other browsers.

Prior to Firefox, I use Avant in 2004 after got fed up with IE.
A few years ago, one guy from UK got arrested for possessing kid porn images that he vehemently denied downloading /having in his computer. During his trial, his defense lawyer sought a cyber security expert to the stand so the expert explained how the defendant got those images in details. The judge, jury and crown prosecutors got overwhelmingly flabbergasted by the demo about how it happened that the expert provided. As a result, the man walked out of the court as a free man.

How did it happen? The hacker broke into the man's computer and installed a worm into the system in order to download kid porn images without the man's knowledge.
A few years ago, one guy from UK got arrested for possessing kid porn images that he vehemently denied downloading /having in his computer. During his trial, his defense lawyer sought a cyber security expert to the stand so the expert explained how the defendant got those images in details. The judge, jury and crown prosecutors got overwhelmingly flabbergasted by the demo about how it happened that the expert provided. As a result, the man walked out of the court as a free man.

How did it happen? The hacker broke into the man's computer and installed a worm into the system in order to download kid porn images without the man's knowledge.

Wow, not surprised about revenge to get someone in huge trouble.
between Chrome and my anti-virus/malware/spyware program, Avast, I havent had anything pop up in ages
That's why im against porn! Good that I havent gotten popups in several months now! Wow it's crazy a virus can not only ruin your computer, but your life! The computer experts need to find who sent the virus and arrest that person instead!
The only way you can really protect yourself from any type of worm or virus is to simply never connect to the Internet at all. Even those of us that have the best intentions will still end up with at least one worm or virus on our hard drives at least once in our lifetime. It's not if it will happen it is when it will happen.

But if you do connect (which apparently you do if you are reading this.), stay on well-known trusted sites. Stay away from sites that end in .net (not all, but some are plagued with spyware), and obviously stay away from sites that end in .ru, those sites are notorious for infecting unsuspecting computers.
Interesting...this is all rather interesting yet at the same time its creepy, sickening and scary.

Always make u wonder who seriously spread the virus around...hackers are so pathetic and had nothing better to do but to go around ruining people's properties as their computers.

I guess the only way to rid the virus completely is to re-format it.
Interesting...this is all rather interesting yet at the same time its creepy, sickening and scary.

Always make u wonder who seriously spread the virus around...hackers are so pathetic and had nothing better to do but to go around ruining people's properties as their computers.

I guess the only way to rid the virus completely is to re-format it.

Yup but if viruses hit BIOS so your PC will be worthless, unless you are getting new motherboard or replace the BIOS flash.
The only way you can really protect yourself from any type of worm or virus is to simply never connect to the Internet at all. Even those of us that have the best intentions will still end up with at least one worm or virus on our hard drives at least once in our lifetime. It's not if it will happen it is when it will happen.

But if you do connect (which apparently you do if you are reading this.), stay on well-known trusted sites. Stay away from sites that end in .net (not all, but some are plagued with spyware), and obviously stay away from sites that end in .ru, those sites are notorious for infecting unsuspecting computers.

all domain extensions can be plagued with malware, even .com. you just have to be smart about where you go on the internet.
Yes all domains are, but some are worse than others.
The world would be a much better place without hackers and viruses...ugh.

Stephen Hawking, one of the world's smartest men said that computer viruses should count as life...