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  1. Journey

    F*** It List

    I can relate somewhat Angel, this is one of the reasons I will add certain things to my list when they are clear and concise enough in my own head. For instance, I want to be able to get to a place within myself that I can say "F*** It" to feeling guilty that I cannot do hours of physical...
  2. Journey

    F*** It List

    Soon I will be able to cross a couple of things off my Bucket List (yeah!)and it got me to thinking ... I am getting to the age where perhaps a F*** It List would be more appropriate. A list of those things that I would benefit from letting go or not worrying about anymore. I think one of the...
  3. Journey

    Mothers of deaf children want insurance companies to pay for hearing aids

    I don't follow this. Both glasses and hearing aids work to bring that particular sense closer to optimal but neither change the underlying function. The success of their usage is dependent on the reason for the loss as well as the degree.
  4. Journey

    What are you thinking about? Part VI

    I love Greek yogurt, so thick, rich and creamy. My favorite is Oikos. I like the plain on potatoes and in dips but to just eat yogurt on it's own I go for the ones with fruit.
  5. Journey

    How do I help my husband understand?

    Have you had a really detailed heart-to-heart discussion with your husband about the facts of hearing loss and, most importantly, both your feelings about it? He has a reason for resisting taking interest in, and learning, ASL. Until you hear it, accept that it is a 'reason' to him and share how...
  6. Journey

    Fish Fry

    I usually down in the Milwaukee/Chicago area twice a year and each time I am intrigued by the whole "fish fry" thing. Big monthly fish frys packed with people, regular Friday fish frys packed with people ... it's like a pilgrimmage :giggle:. One of these times I am going to have to go to one so...
  7. Journey

    Price tags.....

    Post-it super sticky full adhesive notes are great. They adhere to most items very well and never leave a residue or damage the finish.
  8. Journey

    issues about helping with communication

    I have 'interpreted' many times for a close friend of mine and there are two basic rules of thumb I have followed. One, I only interpret when she specifically asks me to or, literally, turns to me for assistance. She has been deaf all her life and navigated the hearing world long before we...
  9. Journey

    Prepare to take cover RR ;-)

    Gallinippers! Monster mosquitoes poised to strike Florida - News - MSN CA
  10. Journey

    really neat article on lipreading and how hard it can be

    What a well-written and comprehensive article. It's a great resource regarding lipreading. I am going to pass it on, thanks.
  11. Journey

    Don't Put That In Your Dishwasher!

    Interesting note regarding pre-rinsing/cleaning dishes before they go in the dishwasher ... I was having a problem with our dishwasher, I felt it was not cleaning as well as it should. I called in a repair person and, during his visit, he told me that today's dishwashers are built to deal with...
  12. Journey

    Best and Worst Inventions?

    haha good one LoveBlue!
  13. Journey

    Best and Worst Inventions?

    The best: a toss up between the refridgerator and penicillin The worst: hmm not sure which I think is worst but Twitter and Daylight Savings Time come to mind at the moment.
  14. Journey

    Would You Welcome?

    Would I appreciate a visitor, yes. Would I appreciate a visitor with their own agenda, no.
  15. Journey

    Deaf With Schizophrenia

    This! Again, insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result ... We can offer advice, continually address bit and pieces of the 'story' and respond over and over to these posts but the result will remain the same. To quote an old catchphrase, let's "Stop the...
  16. Journey

    Don't Forget to turn your clocks Forward tonight!

    Good reminder, thanks!
  17. Journey

    True ASL dictionaries

    There are so many dictionary-type resources out there - boy have they come a long way! I have used and perused quite a few but to-date my favorite resources are: - The Canadian Dictionary of ASL (Bailey & Dolby) - its a large and rather cumbersome hardcover dictionary but invaluable to me. It...
  18. Journey

    How do you sign...

    Yeah for a mystery solved! And never be embarrassed when asking questions, that's how we all learn! (at least that is my philosophy) :-)
  19. Journey

    How do you sign...

    It wouldn't have been the number 20 would it?
  20. Journey

    How do you sign...

    I'm not clear on the visual of 'd' facing outward - could you explain a little more? The only sign I can think of that incorporates the 'd' with the index finger 'bowing' is what-to-do/what are you doing (but in that case the 'd' is (what I would call) upside down.