Search results

  1. Gobae

    Any pagans/wiccans out there?

    Deafdyke, have you checked out DPN (Deaf Pagan Network)? They've got an MSN group/forum in addition to this home page.
  2. Gobae

    What is your ideal christmas dinner?

    Yup, we have a lobster, crab, and steamed clams for Xmas eve. Christmas day we usually have stuffed Leg of Lamb or Venison (which I see no has mentioned yet), asparagus in hollandaise sauce, home grown acorn squash baked with brown sugar, honey and cinnamon, home canned "dilly beans" (pickled...
  3. Gobae

    When should I teach my son ASL?

    Just out of curiosity, why wait? Hearing parents don't wait to talk to their babies. Why would deaf parents wait to sign?
  4. Gobae

    I am angry with parents

    Hehe, I may still bore you, but I don't fall into many "normal" catagories. :nana:
  5. Gobae

    I am angry with parents

    A "normal" child would be an "average" child. Girl, right-handed, solid "B-" student, plays with "Brats", etc, etc. Not particularly bright, nor dumb, all body parts work, but none of them work exceptionally well. Can learn anything, but will never excel at any sport, technology, or skill...
  6. Gobae

    State Fair

    Our state fair (NY) is in Syracuse and is going on now. I'm not there because I do blacksmithing demonstrations for 2 local county fairs. The Tri-County (Albany, Schenectady, Greene) Fair in Altamont, NY. And the Rennselaer County Fair in Schaghticoke, NY. If anyone out there is going to...
  7. Gobae

    Gender Prediction?

    While everyone assumes that there are only 2 sexes the chart should have included: Transgendered Boy, Transgenered Girl, XYY Chromosome Boy (1:841 to 1:1000), XXX Chromosome Girl (also 1:1000) and Hermaphrodite (approximately 1:14,000 people) Nothing is ever black and white :)
  8. Gobae

    I am angry with parents

    "Normal" is SO overrated! I'm not sure what I'd do with a "normal" child. Its variety that makes life challenging and interesting. So I have a really hard time understanding parents who want a "normal" child.
  9. Gobae

    Amish Life

    Although the Amish typically do not use technology the restriction doesn't have to do with fear of technology or being banned from it. Instead the rule of thumb is that they do not use devices that would make them dependant on outsiders. Each Amish group is independant and hold true to the...
  10. Gobae


    Very true! But at least you did research first, before coming to your perspective (even if we don't agree).
  11. Gobae

    Help a student...

    Just out of curiosity, what's the difference between your service and any laptop w/wireless modem (or cell phone hookup) while using a free IP/TTY relay service?
  12. Gobae

    Adobe Photoshop 7.0

    Photoshop CS (like all the new Adobe CS ["Creative Suite"] programs) shares a lot more info with other Adobe programs making allowing the CS Suite to integrate more easily with one another. This also means that many tools, commands, and menus are more consistant and available across all Adobe...
  13. Gobae


    Wow! It's very interesting to see all the mis-information people believe about Wicca. At least one person (Big Spike) bothered to do some research first. Personally, I don't follow Wicca, but it is a good religion when its rules are followed. The biggest one of these is: "If it harms...
  14. Gobae

    Scared of heights?

    Nope, I'm not afraid of heights. In fact I'm a rock climber. The higher the better. When climbing with ropes anything above 150' is great. The typical rope is 150' so you never have to worry about hitting the ground! :)