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  1. pek1

    what does "role model' means to you?

    Well, we all need to define what exactly a role model is not. I'm sure other countries have as many problems as the USA does, so let's start by saying that people who are in show business of any sort (actors, actresses, singers, dancers, athletes, et al.,) are NOT role models. Many of them...
  2. pek1

    Are You a Yankee or a Rebel? Quiz

    Jolie77, Even though it is in fun, a lot of southerners don't think it's a matter to laugh at, though I do. If I'm not mistaken, this was done by another poster a few years ago and the thread really got out of hand and had to be shutdown. It's a "Pandora's Box," if you understand me.
  3. pek1


    Hello to all my AD friends, Just to let you know that Snickers & I are moving to Lake Isabella, California tomorrow, June 1st. LI is just up the mountain from Bakersfield. I have one class that remains until I obtain my BA from Minnesota State University Moorhead, but I'm doing it online...
  4. pek1

    please pray for my dog

    Is there a bona fide reason God has to be blamed for everything?? Everything and everyone in life dies, has nothing to do with God, as this is the appointed time for that person, animal or plant to expire. :hug:
  5. pek1

    Certification for Deaf/HOH service dog?

    ncff07, There are many, many threads about this. The first step to do is consult with the DOJ (Department of Justice) website regarding service dogs. Commonly Asked Questions About Service Animals in Places of Business I have a hearing dog and under the ADA, there is no such thing as...
  6. pek1

    California high court upholds same-sex marriage ban

    Beautiful!! :applause:
  7. pek1


    Is your dog a service dog? If not, check with the dog's vet.
  8. pek1

    Dont you hate it when

    You know, have YOU ever thought of verifying your account information with the receptionist at every appointment? They should be doing that anyway, but it's your responsibility to inform them, not the other way around.
  9. pek1

    ughh...stupid SENIOR boys...

    What's with the anger, calling the guys assholes? They may have been making a play for you and you blew it by getting cold on them. Oh well, you may never know . . .
  10. pek1

    If you could go back in time what would you do?

    If I could do it all over again, I'd follow my dream of becoming a journalist years ago instead of now.
  11. pek1

    10 Yrs. Later, Boys 'Hand of Hope' Continues to Spark Debate

    Who was making fun of her, Oceanbreeze? I wasn't.
  12. pek1

    Teens Charged w/Sexual Battery on Teammate

    These boys were only acting out what they see at home. No kid learns this on their own. Best talk to those parents and let the police handle it.
  13. pek1

    Ryan O'Neal Shares Sorrow Over Farrah Fawcett's Losing Battle

    I watched the entire two-hour program and I have to hand it to her . . . she's got guts. I have more respect for her.