It was not done by selfish reason, the photo was appeared during the congressional debates on Partial-birth abortion ban act. It is only to show the congresses that the fetus is still a human being, since you could see fingernails cover their fingertips. There is absolutely no reason to aborted a 21 weeks fetus unless the mother or the fetus is in a life-threatening situation. Many times you've seen where mothers would aborted their unborn child over 21 weeks, isn't that kinda too late to have an abortion at this stage of their pregnancy, I would believe so. I feel that it is homicide to abort a fetus above 21 weeks that is so far developed it could live outside of the womb and that's my opinion while you got yours.
You can call me cold heart like you did with a member on this thread, judge all you want, but the truth is you just don't care
for fetuses before they become babies, because of that women have all the rights, and fetuses have no rights under our laws and that's a crying shame. While I got no problem with abortion being done during the first trimester, but after the first trimester, yes I do have a problem with abortion being done.