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  1. Breezy

    just found out my 5month old is deaf

    Welcome! It's nice to see a parent so open to something like this!!!!! :)
  2. Breezy

    tornado, tornado, and TORNDAO!!!!!!!

    We get tornadoes here in Ontario all the time.
  3. Breezy

    How a CI works -slide show

    That's kewl! So simple!!
  4. Breezy

    Sound and Fury, Parts 1 and 2

    Hmmm ok....but it's not on youtube or anything like that???
  5. Breezy

    Sound and Fury, Parts 1 and 2

    Where can i watch this video? I've seen it before but that was eons ago. Could someone post a link to it if there is one?? THANX!!!!!!!!
  6. Breezy

    Gallaudet and CI

    Yea i've heard that at Gally they're not that accepting of that stuff. However, i hope for everyone's sake it's not true!!
  7. Breezy

    ok, I'm officially freaked out...

    Awww! Don't be worried about it! While i don't have a CI ( i wear HA's) try not to think about it too much - sometimes wondering what's inside ur body can freak u out, but it's completely natural to feel this way. Over time those feelings will subside. Imagine how ppl with heart fibulators and...
  8. Breezy

    A Major Rant..

    People are bastards that way. Wicca is the furthest thing from bad! I hate how ppl judge!! It's so old world!
  9. Breezy

    New hearing person to join AD

    Hey! Welcome to AD! My name is Bree and i'm 20/f from Ontario! Kudos to u for joing and getting involved in ur gf's 'culture'. If u wanna chat any time just PM me! Have fun here!
  10. Breezy

    Awareness Ribbon

    I have no idea but that's a wicked question to bring up! If someone figures out what it is, could u post a pic of it? I will keep the logo in my siggy (if i can figure out how to do that, lol) that's wicked! Thanx for drawing attention to it!!
  11. Breezy

    Any books....

    Wicked! thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Breezy

    deafer than thou

    Yeah i have! it annoys the shit out of me
  13. Breezy

    Any books....

    Any books on Deafness or being HOH? And i don't mean like, self-help books, or dealing with deafness, by like, fiction/non fiction books? I read a book called Deafening and i loved it so much i bought it. I cherish it deeply b/c i can relate to it, but i'm wondering what other books are out...
  14. Breezy

    are you glad that....

    No i don't think that by enrolling in ita gain that i'll meet more deaf/hoh ppl. what i mean is that i'll meet ppl with an interest in it, and i know some HOH ppl take the class too, esp. b/c the Deaf/HOH community in my city is so's the only real place to go for that sort of thing.
  15. Breezy

    Hearing Aids Thread

    I wear 2. I love em. I need new moulds though.
  16. Breezy

    are you glad that....

    I'm 20 and yeah i think the Deaf/HOH community is relatively small. However, come fall, i'm re-enrolling myself in the second part of an ASL class, so hopefully i'll meet more HOH/Deaf ppl and meet ppl who are interested in this area who will want to be friends.
  17. Breezy

    are you glad that....

    All my friends are hearies. I wish i had more HOH/deaf friends.
  18. Breezy

    Who's HOH here and dont sign often?

    I'm mod-severe HOH and i don't sign often, just coz i don't have any one to sign to. I took a course to learn :)
  19. Breezy

    second hearing aid ???

    I myself used to only have 1 aid, but then i got 2. 2 are better than 1!!! You have no idea! I would def. go for it, it is a great investment!!!! Speech sounds better, clearer, and more even (coz it's coming from 2 sides now, not just one) I highly recommend it!!!!!!
  20. Breezy

    Stereotypes of the deaf and hard of hearing

    That's unfortunate that that woman was ignorant enough to say that outloud. I mean it's one thing to think something like that, but another to say it. Ppl disgust me sometimes.