A Major Rant..


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I was watching the movie "Not like Everyone Else"..

Why can't people be different and stop blaming the gothics? If they are a wiccian.. so what?

I HATE extreme christians bringing the GOSH DAMN religion in school. They know they shouldn't bring it into school but they did it anyways.

NOthing's wrong with gothlics and nothing's wrong with the religion wicca.

AND DON'T PREACH THIS TO US. Not everyone believes in God period and some of the people does not know very much about wicca.

Just go after the real problems not the damn gothics!
i agree with ya felix
it sucks when ppl get freak out about things like that RME
gothics and religious wicca don't freak me out

my cousin is gothic
FelixKat930 said:
I was watching the movie "Not like Everyone Else"..

Why can't people be different and stop blaming the gothics? If they are a wiccian.. so what?

I HATE extreme christians bringing the GOSH DAMN religion in school. They know they shouldn't bring it into school but they did it anyways.

NOthing's wrong with gothlics and nothing's wrong with the religion wicca.

AND DON'T PREACH THIS TO US. Not everyone believes in God period and some of the people does not know very much about wicca.

Just go after the real problems not the damn gothics!

wicca???? I dont have much knowledge about this... I am not into religion... I am sort of agnostic... Please explain this ?? ok....
SxyPorkie :dunno: :dunno:
It's really sad :tears: My fiancee and one of our best friends are goths. I was viewed as bad for associating with goths. I actually was thinking about becoming one and still am. I have been told that I already have the attitude. Maybe that's why I got blamed for everything in school and the principals blamed me for everything. :pissed:

Goths are very loving people and tend to have hearts of gold. That is why I am proud I have one for a mascot, a gothic fiancee, and a gothic best friend. :hug:
I don't judge people on the outside anyways...
Wiccan is pagan worship. If Im wrong, please correct me. Im agnostic too and believe in letting people decide what they want to believe in. :)
People are bastards that way. Wicca is the furthest thing from bad! I hate how ppl judge!! It's so old world!
I agree I'm christian-wicca I know it seems extreme or weird but i haven't made transition from one to another yet. or figured out which one i choose. My bf is Wiccan and showed me that Wiccan is nothing of what society has made it out to be. But a religion of love and peace
Wicca means they believe in nature and appretice everything that God has created and respect Mother Nature.
I agree and it's the oldest relgiion in the world before Christiany existed.

sillycat said:
Wiccan is pagan worship. If Im wrong, please correct me. Im agnostic too and believe in letting people decide what they want to believe in. :)
Define wicca:
A polytheistic Neo-Pagan nature religion inspired by various pre-Christian western European beliefs, whose central deity is a mother goddess and which includes the use of herbal magic and benign witchcraft.
A group or community of believers or followers of this religion.

Define Christian:
Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings.
Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.
Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.
Showing a loving concern for others; humane.

This country was derived from Christianity; as well as our Constitution of the United States.

If you have such a problem with things that do with God in heaven.. unlike the religion of wicca; then please explain to us how you could be at peace with yourself by spending U.S. currency that has the familiar quote of "In God We Trust".

Nobody pushes squat down anyones throats in the public school system except for the berzerk way of thinking that without God, none of us would even be in that classroom; spending currency; or even marrying another in a church and blessed before the eyes of God.

I will not respond to this thread again. To each their own; I firmly believe this~~ but putting down Christians or anyone who follows the belief in God and Jesus His son... well..... I'm not to judge.. BUT I will be praying for others who don't believe. Period.
Bash away... I KNOW I am not alone.
This is a tacky and very tasteless thread. I am glad I have better things to do with my spare time.
Peace out.
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that right felix i research wicca and it state as old religious before christaity

i am NOT wiccan
i was cerious about wicca that all that why i did the research
i am not afraid

(i am ignoring royal)
moonflower said:
that right felix i research wicca and it state as old religious before christaity

i am NOT wiccan
i was cerious about wicca that all that why i did the research
i am not afraid

(i am ignoring royal)
i don't need to bash at ya royal for that ok

just leave things alone thanks

and i am leaving this thread alone
Hey you ADers should respect any kinds of religions,.. If Felix believes in wicca... let her go... as long as she is happy

Heh, the funniest thing is when you think about how most goths are actually Catholic or Jewish or even Protestant. Not all goths are wiccans.

The issue in the movie wasn't entirely about wiccans---it's simply that she was punished because the school thought goths were evil. In the movie, she was looked at differently when she wore white. That alone is what pisses me about how goths are treated the most.

I am sick of the way people who are just different are treated in society and schools. Goths are very nice people who tend to be very loving despite their dark clothing, music, artwork, stories, etc. This article explains how a study showed that goths are usually intelligent, refined, sensitive, and keen on poetry and books. That is why I like them so much and I will probably end up being gothic myself. I never labeled myself a goth, but I've been a lot like one and have been quite fond of my gothic friends (they actually tell me I should try officially going goth). And that is why I have a goth girl in my avatar. :)
I agree with you!

gnulinuxman said:
Heh, the funniest thing is when you think about how most goths are actually Catholic or Jewish or even Protestant. Not all goths are wiccans.

The issue in the movie wasn't entirely about wiccans---it's simply that she was punished because the school thought goths were evil. In the movie, she was looked at differently when she wore white. That alone is what pisses me about how goths are treated the most.

I am sick of the way people who are just different are treated in society and schools. Goths are very nice people who tend to be very loving despite their dark clothing, music, artwork, stories, etc. This article explains how a study showed that goths are usually intelligent, refined, sensitive, and keen on poetry and books. That is why I like them so much and I will probably end up being gothic myself. I never labeled myself a goth, but I've been a lot like one and have been quite fond of my gothic friends (they actually tell me I should try officially going goth). And that is why I have a goth girl in my avatar. :)