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  1. M

    Aloha all from Ottawa Canada

    Ottawa here. First of all, I recommend BlackBerry so you can do email, MSN chat, texting, all in one pocket phone. For basics, get an Ultratec Compact/C and a cable to attach to the BlackBerry, so you can make calls to Bell Canada Relay Service. You don't have to type on BlackBerry's tiny...
  2. M

    BLAME CANADA -- And yes, I'm a CANADIAN. (WebCapTel, Sorenson, Relay Fund, VRS, etc)

    Since I'm paying for U.S. telephone numbers, I'm at least able to get WebCapTel now. It is already revolutionizing the way I communicate with the loved ones that know my voice well, even though my voice is not easy for a stranger. There's pratically infinite ways to get two U.S. numbers in...
  3. M


    I can get even better BlackBerry web browser graphics by installing a better web browser called Opera Mini (from It even has zoom in/out feature (press 5 to zoom in/out). Use numbers 2/4/6/8 for fast 4-way scrolling, and use trackball for slow fine control. I also...
  4. M

    8330 Can SEE Youtube video

    The new BlackBerry OS 4.5 firmware upgrade is capable of playing YouTube videos. The software upgrade is coming for most BlackBerries in the fall, but the Curve 8330 (Verizon/Sprint) already has it.
  5. M

    Blackberry vs Sidekick pagers

    Don't use the T-Mobile software, download and install IM+ or JiveTalk on your BlackBerry. That way, you get unlimited AIM on T-Mobile that way.
  6. M

    BLAME CANADA -- And yes, I'm a CANADIAN. (WebCapTel, Sorenson, Relay Fund, VRS, etc)

    I hereby open a new topic, since this merits a separate discussion. This is not a problem: It's a problem of the U.S. government subsidizing relay/interpretors, and Canada not subsidizing. The playing field is unbalanced. Solution: Have Canada COMPETE! Let us all Canadian deafies DEMAND our...
  7. M

    Sorensen Communications Robs Canada

    I am making a copy of a new thread here, because this merits a separate discussion.
  8. M

    We dont take relay calls, piss off

    A lot of relay companies are driven by the profit motive of the government subsidies for relay services. It's a good thing, because the U.S. is the most advanced country in the world for relay services (and the envy of me Canadians). Unfortunately that means they make it too easy for large...
  9. M


    I have, however, jerryrigged a Bell Canada Relay IP-Relay system that I use on my BlackBerry. MiniTTY No, it's not available for download. I would need to raise capital to make it available to the general public... WebCapTel is pretty cool. I'd like to see it officially come to Canada...
  10. M

    Do I "need to wear a hearing device while driving"?

    I drive better and MUCH MORE SAFELY without my hearing aids - than with them.. This is because even with the best digital hearing aids, I can't tell the difference between a pot banging (Bonnnng!), a low-frequency car horn (Hoonnnk!), or my mom calling my name in annoyed manner (Marrrrk!)...
  11. M

    Google Maps or Microsoft Live ?

    What was the problem with it? Older versions had bugs, so download the latest version at Google Maps (wireless software install) .... It does searches a little better than the first version, and even supports antenna location so it loads up the correct city the first time you start up - and...
  12. M

    Text-Messaging Ban begins Jan 1, 2008...

    While happens, this is an exaggeration. It's mostly myth. Only a few per decade, actually - according to Internet sources. A normal legal HandsFree system is actually more lethal than the once-every-few-years cellphone-initiated explosion in the US. Far more people died from distractions...
  13. M

    Personal Pager or Wi-Fi pager

    It's possible to cobble together a system. 1. Use a home automation system such as X10 which can provide flashing lights for phone ringings, etc. (from places like These aren't normally for the deaf but these are often superior to some of the deaf-made stuff. Description...
  14. M


    Check this out REVIEW: JiveTalk Chat versus IM+ Chat I found JiveTalk to be superior in most ways, because it logs on faster (less startup delay), performed faster, disconnected less often than IM+, and even supports file transfer and other cool features. (Although file transfer probably...
  15. M

    GPS/ GOOGLE MAPS on any devices..

    I hate using a screwdriver to push a nail into wood. Think about this: Google Maps is a screwdrier BlackBerry Maps is a hammer They are totally different. People who want a screwdriver hate using a hammer to insert a screw. People who want a hammer hate using a screwdriver to drive a...
  16. M


    There are many ways to chat on a BlackBerry. There are more than 10 different brands of chat software programs, and JiveTalk is the best brand of chat software. JiveTalk can do AIM,ICQ,MSN,Yahoo,Google all in one software program. But RIM also provides free chat software (albiet not as good...
  17. M

    Good alarm for deaf student

    Try this one - ButtKicker® ( shaker device - one of the world's most powerful for consumers) 1000-watt bass shaker designed for home theater and amusement park rides, but it works great as a super-powerful bed shaker. Mount it to the bed board, hook your CD player bed...
  18. M

    voip vs landline

    I've gone 100% VoIP (Vonage), and it works with TTY. However, the quality can vary occasionally especially on a substandard Internet connection, so it's a bleeding edge move. It works much better with a high-quality 1-megabit connection than a very jerky/bursty 10-megabit connection --...
  19. M

    RIM Officially Announced BlackBerry Curve!

    You and I should have a "keyboard race" if we ever met. For short bursts, I type about 72 words per minute on my BlackBerry (measured via Thumb Keyboard Touch Type FAQ) and about 143 words per minute on a desktop keyboard. (measured via - 1 minute Huckleberry Finn test). On...
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    I don't think they're planning to release 8320. They probably will go directly to 9000-series in 2008. I like the 8310 better than 8320 because I like GPS better than WiFi. (8310 has GPS but NO WiFi ...... but 8320 has WiFi but NO GPS) I don't need WiFi in my BlackBerry because I use...