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  1. P

    Sad news.. :(

    I'd just like to say again, thanks for the support. The service was yesterday, and it was just really beautiful. I sat in the first pew with my uncle, my aunt's mom (not my grandma), her mom and my cousin Breanna. They sang "Just as I am" and "Amazing Grace." Along with a poem my grandpa...
  2. P

    Favorite Brand of Shoes

    I like adidas but would settle for Nike. The problem with adidas women shoes is that they dont come in half sizes :( Well I went shoe shopping with my sister in January, and it seems that sizes 10 and up don have half sizes :( But men's shoes do. I ended up getting 9.5 in men. =/
  3. P

    Bugs Bunny gets an extreme makeover

    Thats what I thought! It also reminds me a lot of that batman show.. I cant remember what its called... Its a cartoon of when Batman gets old and has a young kid fight for him..
  4. P

    Popping Plastic Bubble Wraps

    Yes yes yes!!! It is so fun!!! Not because it makes noise but because it feels cool! I used to do it to annoy my sister (shes hearing) and then she'd do it right in my ear - which hurts but it was funny when I was little :P That virtual bubble wrap is good for hearing people :( You have to...
  5. P

    I have 6 minutes..

    Holy crap!! 2 whole pages!! Thanks guys!! I am sooo anxious to hear back from them by monday or tuesday on the results of my drug test and criminial background check. Miss P - I agree with most people here, it's not really your place to suggest such things. I'm not some teenager with no...
  6. P

    I have 6 minutes..

    to tell you some good news!!! As you know I've been out looking for a new job, I applied at Walgreens (similar to CVS), Hollywood Video, and Home Depot. I also filled out applications for 4 other places but had not dropped them off. I havent heard from Walgreens or Hollywood, but...
  7. P


    I don't think i've had people lose interest in me.. But I've (like everyone else) had people get frustrated with me. But sometimes I like to be funny when people ask me if I can lip read. They'll ask, and I'll say "there's no real way to answer that is there? If I say yes you'll assume I...
  8. P


    ugh that is so sick! I feel bad for the guy!
  9. P

    Sad news.. :(

    :) I thought you'd think that.. But Libby isnt really my aunt, you know. She divorced Joey a few years ago. She introduced me to her boyfriend (now ex) as her "neice" (exactly like that.) Even though she was married to my uncle for 10 years or something.
  10. P

    Ever been back-stabbed by someone?

    As previously said, almost everyone has experienced backstabbing. Including myself. What you see and what you understand are 2 different things sometimes. That, along with a piss poor attitude, is what might cause backstabbing.
  11. P

    How Are We Going to do VD?

    LMAO! I thought the exact same thing =X
  12. P

    How many people here are NOT deaf?

    After I left AD last year Megladon felt no need to post, even after I came back. He didn't post that much to begin with, and I rememeber someone flaming him but I cant remember who. But yeah, he's still a "member" so to speak, which adds him to the list of hearies :P
  13. P

    Sad news.. :(

    Wow it made sticky.. Thats a first.. Thanks everyone for your support, it's really touching. I havent known anyone that died since my grandma in 2000, so this is just.. leaves me at loss for words.. Also, my uncle emailed me recently.. She died at 7:12 last night, cause of death was...
  14. P

    Sad news.. :(

    My aunt died today. It's not like we were super close or anything but she's still my aunt. She's my dad's half sister but again, still my aunt. I can't say she was the best person ever, but she was still pretty funny a lot of the time. Spending time with her used to be a hassle until I got...
  15. P

    Work... (has some cussing, lots of anger, just a warning)

    Yeah. Unemployment is guarunteed when you're laid off, but if you're fired, it depends on what you got fired for. (Thats what the payroll lady at my work said.) When you willfully hand in a resignation, you're severing all ties with the company and they are not "responsible" so to speak, for...
  16. P

    Work... (has some cussing, lots of anger, just a warning)

    Holy cow! That realy sucks. It sucks that so many jobs out there lack the benefits and other things that people need to live. :( I'm still waiting to hear from those places I applied at! If I dont hear by tomorrow, I'm calling on Monday! :P
  17. P

    Work... (has some cussing, lots of anger, just a warning)

    He's the one that wrote me the 2 page letter reprimanding me, and that letter goes in my employee file. He's the owner, and he didnt bother to ask me my side of the story. He hates me, along with her. There's no one higher up than the 2 of them and they're running the store to the ground.
  18. P

    Work... (has some cussing, lots of anger, just a warning)

    i see what you're saying. It makes sense. She, however, has never worked in retail. She has corporate management experience, and anyone will tell you that those are 2 very different types of management. I think she should not have verbally attacked me either. It's not the first time she's...
  19. P

    Work... (has some cussing, lots of anger, just a warning)

    That's really good it worked out for you. I've been at my job for almost 3 years, and in the last year it's gotten really really bad. There's more to it than what I've said. We've lost 9 employees since the middle of December. 7 quit, 1 was "laid off" and 1 was fired. I'm just next in line. My...
  20. P

    Work... (has some cussing, lots of anger, just a warning)

    I don't know if this belongs in the ADA threads or debate.. But I just seriously need to vent. :( I know what she did is unethical, so don't tell me that. :P But I seriously cant take more of this.. Friday morning the general manager (GM) bickered with me from the moment I walked in the door...