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  1. J

    Woman find lost 'child' calling for daddy

    Lol. Glad hes back with his owner.
  2. J

    Have you dealt with feral cats in your yard?

    There are alot feral cat programs out there focused on trapping and spay/neutring and relocating if necessary. The programs are beneficial to the community, if you can contact animal control and ask if such a organization focused on your area existed, sorry cant give you definite answer as...
  3. J

    talk about contolling

    they already tax us with gasoline. What the bleep if this happens, ill go batshit on the government. Were over taxed already.
  4. J

    Canadian woman faces life in prison

    I feel bad for all road kills I end up seeing while driving . But its survival of the fittest. Smarter animals figure out now to navigate road pass on same genes to their offspring. I still feel bad for one rabbit I killed on the road years ago Im not heartless just saying .
  5. J

    Anyone have malformed cochleas?

    Have no clue what my deafness is caused by I never bothered to ask why. Interesting thread. I just know im so deaf beyond help of hearing aids.
  6. J

    Why do people have to mention price range when shopping?

    Why worry about others how they deal with shopping? Its a dog eat dog world literally.
  7. J

    Who went to polling place today?

    Thats hypocrisy
  8. J

    Question Slumber party?

    sleepovers was common in my childhood. Friends or fsmily. Good ol times.
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    Mass Shooting in California , 6 dead :(

    Mental health issues is the pink elephant no one wants to address flaws in system or put funds into. How many more people have to die? My sympathies to every single person that is affected by this.
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    Junk yards closing….

    Interesting. Never realized they were vanishing. I do see more backyards being like mini junkyards so maybe thats why? Lol
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    How are you feeling today?....

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    Yo mamas so fat

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    What is the odd that someone would jump on your offer after few days?

    I was considering saving money and try for bidding on auctions. I dont have credit cards dont believe in them and that hurts my credit score. BS credit system needs total rehaul .
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    Inserting new Tubes

    Interesting methods.
  15. J

    Memorial Day plans?

    Working trying to stay afloat in this rat race
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    How are you feeling today?....

    Good idea. Usually they give you their card and it has the numbers on them to call as many people have reactions to all kinds. The office I use have 24 hour number to use
  17. J

    What did you learn today?

    Learned they put beavers anal secretion into ice cream to taste like vanilla. Castoreum Oh my gawd. Definitely going to check labels from now on
  18. J

    Do you make estimations from consumer reports?

    Is consumers reports free online ? I google search never has it when I type in review of .....