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  1. M

    Never Trust A Woman's a good thing I'm still single. :D
  2. M

    Six year old and Thirteen year old

    he's the hottest guy from twilight, perhaps all of hollywood. pretty much every girl I know is head-over-heels over him, including the 13-year old. and twilight is such an awesome story.
  3. M

    Do do you resize animated gifs?

    i dunno if this is any good but it's 98.9 kb.
  4. M

    10 Reasons Why Computers are Better Than G'Friends

    hm......isn't #10 like program crashing, BSOD, unresponsive delays and so forth? I agree that it's really funny. 11. You never have to worry about drama cause of the ON / OFF button.
  5. M

    10 Reasons Why Computers are Better Than G'Friends

    hm......isn't #10 like program crashing, BSOD, unresponsive delays and so forth? I agree that it's really funny. 11. You never have to worry about drama cause of the ON / OFF button.
  6. M

    7 Things to do when ur Internet Goes Down...

    heheh, I just work on my other computers
  7. M

    A young Italian girl was going on a date..

    hmmm....I have too much respect. ;D
  8. M

    Funny Classified Ads ....

    Job of the Hut is so funny!
  9. M

    Who is single here?

    yippee!!!! I have so much free time to do lots of fun stuff for school and for myself. Being tied down by my previous gf wasn't exactly the best thing for the both of us. I'm glad she let me go.
  10. M

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

    just had the best day at school. on top of that, I'm gonna be an uncle!!!
  11. M

    English...English...English T_T

    one word at a time
  12. M

    Comcast buys NBC

    $30 a month as per usual. My friend works for comcast, so I might get a nice deal from him lol.
  13. M

    Tmobile fail?

    first JClarke, now this..what's the world coming to...
  14. M

    What are you thinking about?

    I'm thinking about seizing the day since watching "Dead Poets Society" I think Robin Williams is an amazing actor.
  15. M

    Comcast buys NBC

    Everybody's buying everything......greedy this perhaps foreshadows the end of 2012?
  16. M

    Warning about tongue piercing !! LOL~

    I'm considering getting an ear piercing. Not sure when. Definitely not a tongue peircing....
  17. M

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XV

    Glad you had fun. I'll be staying up all day lol. Sleep well.
  18. M

    Love or hate your job?

    I love my job as a student cause I get to create anything I want. I hate it cause I spend too much time thinking about it.
  19. M

    How long is being single "too long"?

    um I've been single for exactly 2 weeks. When I revisit the good memories, my heart sinks and I miss her very much. The memories we made are very special to me. When I don't think about it all, I feel good to be single again. It's quite tough to manage both sides of the fence. Despite my hardest...
  20. M

    What are you thinking about?

    unless your cat eats it.... october seems like a nice month for changes.