7 Things to do when ur Internet Goes Down...


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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1. Dial 911 Immediately.
2. Open the curtains to see if anything has changed over the past 2 years.
3. You mean there's something else to do?
4. Threaten your ISP with an impeachment vote.
5. Work.
6. Re-introduce yourself to your immediate family.
7. Get that kidney transplant you've been putting off.
I catch up my reading whenever the puter is down. I got a big pile of books to read.
Internet barely ever goes down here... :D but if it does I either watch TV or get some reading done ;)
Last time my internet went down I drove to the nearest internet cafe....... yes, I have a problem! :crazy:

1. Dial 911 Immediately.
2. Open the curtains to see if anything has changed over the past 2 years.
3. You mean there's something else to do?
4. Threaten your ISP with an impeachment vote.
5. Work.
6. Re-introduce yourself to your immediate family.
7. Get that kidney transplant you've been putting off.

I would if the internet weren't down so I could send an email!