Love or hate your job?


Love Makes the World Go Round
Premium Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Just for fun. Do you love or hate your job and why?

I'll start.....

I love my job as a teacher for deaf children and here are the reasons why..

I am my own boss of my classroom,
No boss hovering my shoulder watching what I do all day.
Communication and information is fully accessible.
Great co-workers.
Enjoy seeing my students learn everyday.
I feel good about myself on a daily basis.
Hours are perfect for me.
I still enjoy the benefits of school breaks just like a kid!
I get intellectually challenged so I am never bored.
There is always something different each day.
Field trips.
School spirit
Now, my brother is working there as a student teacher so it is fun to see him daily! :)
I love and hate my job. :lol:

I love when my dad is around.
I hate when I have to be far away from my boys.
I hate the long hours especially the 17 hours a day shift.
I love traveling.
I hate when customers wants to place their order when we aren't even open yet!
I hate when drunks act stupid and end up in a fight in front of our booth.
I love the getting together with my crew go out shopping at malls, or go out to dinner when we have a day off between shows.
I love how I get paid, because there are times we will receive bonus (extra $$) for the hard work we've done.
I love my job as a student cause I get to create anything I want.

I hate it cause I spend too much time thinking about it.
Love my job 90%

Hate the boss 100%

and the rest... well.... eh... it's a job so I can get money to pay my bills

I hate my job, but it has regular M-F hours and I get weekends off, plus it pays the bills. I'm still working on my Bachelor's at Uni however so hopefully in a few years this may change.
I love my job, soon will be 3 years there.

Reason why I love it? Because it is 100% Deaf culture there at my work. My Supervisor, managements, co-worker, associates are all Deaf! Even better, most of our customers are Deaf and HoH.

That is something I really don't miss paper and pen, and Interpreters. Yes we got plenty of Interpreters and we rarely use them.

I forgot what is like to punch in clock and what is like to be non-exemption.

Because I love my job, supervisors rarely gets on my back and they are cool guys! Plus cool co-workers and we do enjoy lunch breaks there instead of being alone with hundreds of hearing people with no idea what is going on.

I felt pretty much of "Equality" with hearing people at my work even though there is not even single hearing person at my work floor.

If interested, PM me and I can give the information. Yes, it is national-wide for some positions, while other positions are limited to three of these locations. Can explain though PM
Love it.

I work maybe 2 days a month. If I want, some more than that.
Yesterday was the first time in two months or was it three that I worked.

I am a professional gambler.
Cheri, you work 17 hours a day???? Holy cow!
I love my job, but I hate work.

I love my job as a service technician because..

I travel around the country,
Every day a different job,
Tea-breaks whenever I want,
Meet different people everyday,
Got a company car,
Get paid every week!

But I hate work!..having to get up early..comming
home tired!...:lol:

I love my job...Dog Groomer (for about four years)

Every dog are different, sometimes difficult & sometimes easy.
Each day are different, sometimes slow & sometimes stressful
Makes good money as long as work is busy, best part when I get TIPS.
It feels nice to change an ugly smelly dog into clean nice-looking dog.

But it can become tiresome....
I'm starting to rethink what type of career I wanted in my life,
instead of being a dog groomer for the rest of my life....:hmm:
I hate my job cause I don't have one. I would kill to have a job!
I love my job but miss it (been out a few weeks because of a broken ankle). My job is only temporary until my ITP degree is done, but my childhood best friend is my boss and I work with great family friends. It's semi-outdoors so winter and spring are amazing, summer..not so wonderful. lol They work around my school schedule and they are understand. But...soon as my degree is finished I can't wait to start interpreting. :)
right now my jobs are basicially freelance things... i care for kids if needed, driving around a lot and runs errands. its okay. i just need a job that is more stable like m-f thing and pays more than 10 a hr. impossible for a deaf gal with no degrees lol. im thinking of going into school for teacher of deaf children but we will see.
right now my jobs are basicially freelance things... i care for kids if needed, driving around a lot and runs errands. its okay. i just need a job that is more stable like m-f thing and pays more than 10 a hr. impossible for a deaf gal with no degrees lol. im thinking of going into school for teacher of deaf children but we will see.

What about finding an office job doing some filing or database? I did that before I got my degrees. It is not impossible for deaf people without college degrees to find a job. It may be harder but not impossible. Just giving you some encouragement. :)
I love my job. It gives me the opportunity to give back to others, to meet some extremely interesting people, and to work on my own personal growth.
I love my job. It gives me the opportunity to give back to others, to meet some extremely interesting people, and to work on my own personal growth.

What's your job again? I think you mentioned something about the mental health profession.