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    Lego-ing is a lot of fun. Spent hours hours ....
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    Mom left brain-tumor son alone for 2 days

    Mommy is Dumb. Use her head! Two days after her son's brain surgery! Hello! Should have asked one of her relatives or friends take care of him!
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    dont know what to do anymore!

    Best for you to talk with your doctor alone .. less confusing etc. Many years ago (I was in college) .. My mom drove me to the audiology place because I didn't have a driving license therefore I was unable to drive. The male audiology asked my mom to join us to discuss my hearing loss. He...
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    dont know what to do anymore!

    Yeah I know the difference between BPPV and Meniere's It is quite complicated! I have both diagnoses .. fun huh? not. Exactly I don't think they haven't researched on hearing aids that causes a meniere's attack. There is a hearing guy who has Meniere's disease I spoke with last summer. He...
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    Bizarre birds from New Guniea.

    Courting - to perform actions in order to attract for mating or to engage in activity leading to mating. That male bird is trying to get attention from the female bird. how pretty.
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    Girl charged with crime for wetting pants at school!!!

    oops Sad ... not sads lol
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    Bush called more than 20,000 brave men and women

    Sending more troops is like a death sentence to me. Many get killed and seriously injured. The body bags keep coming back here in America. Shame on Bush.
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    Girl charged with crime for wetting pants at school!!!

    That's why many people are suck .. sads.
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    dont know what to do anymore!

    Due to Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and Meniere's disease - I can't wear my hearing aids often. I got the first diagnosis in 91' . I got it back in 88 which I didn't know. While wearing my hearing aids, I get vertigo and hear the uncomfy sounds. I get tinnitus without wearing...
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    Girl charged with crime for wetting pants at school!!!

    Well, The article didn't explain how severe disability the girl has. I feel that she is mentally challanged and she is a human. Maybe something is up with the mean principal! I feel for her. If I were mom, I would confront the principal about that.
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    Assistant Principal calls my ASL teacher disabled and handicapped..

    Agree with reba - every word must be heard thru interpreter ... smile One time there is an older man who joined my group at the job training program. The man questioned me about working with "Hearing impaired" people and blah blah. I responded back to him .. Yes "Deaf Impaired" people blah...
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    Deaf Mental Health services In Massachusetts

    have you used the services? I knew many services around here .. but I am only asking if there are good or bad things about Deaf Mental Health services. I am not asking to seek for a signing therapist.
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    Girl charged with crime for wetting pants at school!!!

    Yeah should not punish her -- sigh .. my niece Rachyl who was in 1st grade at the time, she wetted her pants. She was very nervous on her first day of school. She was sent home to change her clothes etc .. Poor her. I hope my niece doesn't remember her incident. She is now 16.
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    Deaf Mental Health services In Massachusetts

    Any of you who live in Massachusetts. What do you think of the Deaf Mental services? (Re: Therapy offices or clinics, Westboro State Hospital, Deaf unit, and many more.) I am happy to hear your pros and cons here. Many Deaf consumers need to hear this .. and discuss the goal to improve the...
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    Girl charged with crime for wetting pants at school!!!

    Over the little harmless thingie? sheesshs she is mentally challenged! Principal is idiot and he should wet himself to get the idea! lol me not making a sense here .. lol
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    Assistant Principal calls my ASL teacher disabled and handicapped..

    did you confront the idiot AP in private with an interpreter .. to express how you feel about this?
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    Cerebral palsy couldn't stop Kristin Rytter's drive for Ph.D

    awesome .. Everyone can do it!
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    my puppy destroyed my hearing aid

    The same goes for your ATM/credit card. Do not let anything magnetic near your ATM/credit card at all !!!!! oh really ... I have a magnet name tag for my work. lol .. how interesting. thanks A big lesson for me. Eh .. It was funny thou.
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    my puppy destroyed my hearing aid

    An old analog hearing aid. I didn't think clearly at that moment. That was about 15 years ago. This time I won't let my newly digital hearing aids near the magnets .. even very small ones. :-P