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    And yes, Mars can be seen from Hawaii and just about any place on Earth at 10:30 PM your time. BTW, Mars is visible most nights of the year anyway.
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    NO TELESCOPE NEEDED TO SEE MARS!!! At 10:30 PM (whatever time zone you're in for the next few weeks) look to the southeast -- you can't miss it! (If you're in Australia, look towards the NE :))
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    Myths and lies about CIs . . .

    thanks, goddess! Everybody can have their own opinions about CIs -- Love it or hate it, but don't spread false and misleading information about the CI cuz the person you harm might be yourself!:)
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    down with RIAA!

    "I heartily agree with you there!" now who wouldn't want "free" stuff?
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    down with RIAA!

    Recording Industry Association of America
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    Removal of Ten Commandments?

    Huh? you mean to tell me that the ONLY reason morality exists in humans is because of THE FEAR OF GOD!!?? The bottom line, if you don't like the law, get the law changed FIRST! Otherwise, if you break the law, you're an outlaw! btw, I want to put a satanic temple next to the ten C's...
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    The RIAA

    I'm not clear in understanding this either. I hope Liza can explain.:)
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    The RIAA

    L sez: "I watch cable movies on TV, but I don't have english subtitles.... so do I have a good reason to download english subtitles from the internet?" huh? you have found English-speaking movies on the net with English subtitles??
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    BAH ALWAYS putting us gays and lesbains down

    "the whole idea of marriage is bringing up children,'' said Jim Martin" whats this? we're back in the 19th century now?
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    Removal of Ten Commandments?

    here's another thing to think about . . . one of the commandments requires church attendence. so if this nutsie defrocked Alabama judge insists that the ten commandments must be part of the justice dept, is he gonna send folks who don't go to church to the gallows? :naughty:
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    8 firefighters dies in crash.

    Exactly, the %$&#@@ jerk deserves NO TEARS from anybody. He killed 7 people and put 2 in the hospital.
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    Removal of Ten Commandments?

    :smash: Done! Its your turn people! Put God back in Church where She belongs! :party:
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    AD Newsletter

    java, that's why I suggested emergencies only. if the site goes down he can send us an email :).
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    Does Cheerleading includes?

    yep, that's what I was thinking of when I wrote my reply. at least you were smart enough to remember the title. :)
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    Does Cheerleading includes?

    Is cheerleading a sport? Yes it is! They have tournaments for the best cheerleaders at the state and national level. Many cheerleaders go on top become dancers, artists and other redeeming careers.
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    AD Newsletter

    How about instead sending everybody a PM "newsletter" once a month on AD info/status/et al. Save email for site emergencies. just my opinion. :|
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    dd, hmm . . . so lets say a person broke her hip and decided wtf, I'll just stay in the wheelchair instead of going through the painful steps of learning to walk again. so, is that person "disabled" and eligible for all "disablity" assistance? Who provides for their personal wheelchair...
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    down with RIAA!

    "there is little or no chance of being caught and it helps you out without really hurting anyone" hmm . . . thats what Kenneth Lay thought. Laws are written by the will of the voters. If you don't like the law(s), vote out the people that are writing them. By becoming a thug, especially...
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    dd sez: "I think it's an overrated sense" me: are there any OTHER senses that might be also overrated too?? ;) IMO I don't think it is possible to overrate ANY senses! (except of course for mind reading) At any rate in the near future we'll have some data to look at that'll answer...
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    Removal of Ten Commandments?

    Looks like the nutso Alabama judge got tossed off the bench (suspended) by his peers. At least there are SOME rational people in Alabama. Congrats.