Does Cheerleading includes?


New Member
Aug 21, 2003
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I was just wonderin if Cheerleadin includes cuza I'm in Varsity Cheer ..
lucidjen said:
I was just wonderin if Cheerleadin includes cuza I'm in Varsity Cheer ..

Is cheerleading a sport? Yes it is! They have tournaments for the best cheerleaders at the state and national level. Many cheerleaders go on top become dancers, artists and other redeeming careers.
Banjo said:
Didn't anybody ever see "Bring It On" ?

yep, that's what I was thinking of when I wrote my reply. at least you were smart enough to remember the title. :)
Yeah, cheerleading is considered a sport, I've seen competitions on tv at the National and State levels and they were AMAZING! :)
lucidjen said:
I was just wonderin if Cheerleadin includes cuza I'm in Varsity Cheer ..
Included in what? If you're asking about college, yes... most colleges have cheerleading squads. RIT has one and we already have a deaf cheerleader there. If you're going to RIT, join! Would be nice to have more! :thumb: