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  1. N

    nostalgia / The memory of childhood *sigh*

    I remember in my childhood I believed I could do anything in the world and I was so spiritual! I believed in God so strongly. Then I got into mind altering crap and blah, blah, blah. I wish I could go back and be free of all dependancy! I had so much faith and trust.
  2. N

    Is your kid smarter than a german shepherd service dog?

    Well, I have not been here awhile. But when I saw this on the new's this week, I actually thought about you Pek!!! My 4 yr old know's to go get someone but not how to call 911 yet. I think what has happened was awesome and better yet, the dog came from 'paws w/ a cause'. Very cool
  3. N

    Informing people you read lips

    I hate it when I tell people I read lips and they say, 'ok, what am I saying?' and mouth something as if I am a dog doing tricks!
  4. N

    What's your FEAR?

    Loss of freedom. I fear prison/jail in a big big way.
  5. N

    Perhaps the stupidest reason why I got in trouble at work.

    pp = previous poster(s)
  6. N

    Perhaps the stupidest reason why I got in trouble at work.

    I am sorry if you have mentioned this b/4 or if I seem stupid but I ask 'do you have a union rep?' That's how the UAW works here in Michigan. I am w/ the pp, don't say a word to her.
  7. N

    Has this happened to you QQ

    Congrats on the job offer!!! Also, you seem to be handling this all very well.
  8. N


    Oh, and uh, his last name is Christ.
  9. N


    But....I thought Jesus was a real live breathing human being. I am confused by your statement.:eek2: You mean Jesus isn't real? Like Santa isn't real? :shock:
  10. N

    Women in Pakistan is very sad

    Not good. Proud to be American here, even though it could happen anywhere.
  11. N

    Obama vs McCain, which is the right one for you? QUIZ!

    Oh, Gawd 95.04% Obama 65.3% mccain
  12. N

    Did you know this about Real Estate agents?

    I am so sorry about not reading more on this, the CAPS kinda made me feel defendsive, though. I am just tellin you what I heard. I do not have time to read through all the laws. Have you the time? Is it in there about disclosing info on child molestors? Can you help me? :ty:
  13. N

    Has this happened to you QQ

    This is awful for you. How are the children's mama? Maybe you should contact her to see about the kids? I think I read there are 2 mama's? Are you okay now? I'll check back tomorrow, taking off of work! :hug:
  14. N

    Google Street View

    Well, I've never seen this! I got my house on there. I've been scanned! :shock: But it is outdated, though. :wave: Thank you for the link.
  15. N

    Small tips and advice for everyone

    Never take up smoking....:smoking:
  16. N

    Small tips and advice for everyone

    After scrubbing your tub, never leave the comet within the reach of a 3 year old.
  17. N

    Did you know this about Real Estate agents?

    I am just so flabbergasted that they are not required to say so. It's the FBI/STATE that registers sex offenders because it is public information. A friend of mine's son is now a sex offender and the authorities put him on the on-line list. The agent said that she wasn't allowed to say...
  18. N

    Did you know this about Real Estate agents?

    My neighbor is a long time real estate agent. We got to talking and I asked her if there were any child molestors in the area and you know what she told me?!? She said she didn't know. She said it is against r.esate agent law to disclose that info to prospective buyers. Can you believe...
  19. N

    Conversations in Threads
