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  1. T

    New hearing aids and recent audiogram :)

    That's an interesting audiogram. If I am seeing it correctly, it looks like the Y-axis for the decibel reporting is inverted?
  2. T

    Father shoots daughter’s laptop after disrespectful Facebook post

    I wonder what Sallylou would be posting if it had been the girl's mother and not her father that did this. :hmm:
  3. T

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    Out 'em.
  4. T

    Congressional Approval Drops Sharply

    Actually, I didn't eat a Big Mac or watch TV. I was just trying to make a point about the paradox of the American population. So many people claim to be angry and unsatisfied with our "elected" leaders, but when it gets down to it, most people don't care enough to engage the civil process or...
  5. T

    I'm Debating a College Elective?

    Figure drawing, for sure.
  6. T

    When Gas hits $4 a Gallon ill bet you the media wouldnt criticize Obama

    Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot the :) Always makes it okay when you do it.
  7. T

    Meet the Bates Family

  8. T

    Congressional Approval Drops Sharply

    Yes, it is outrageous, and I'm just not going to take it anymore! We should all stand up and fight back! . . . . . . But first let me finish my Big Mac, watching television, and posting unimportant BS on All Deaf. :lol:
  9. T

    When Gas hits $4 a Gallon ill bet you the media wouldnt criticize Obama

    You frat boys done with the reach arounds?
  10. T

    Congressional Approval Drops Sharply

    Two years ago, we got a bunch of dipshit teatards masquerading as responsible statesmen. Make the connections.
  11. T

    Organic Food does NOT mean it is healthier!!

    Doesn't surprise me at all. That company is full of scumbaggery. Just cashing in on the organic/natural marketing bandwagon.
  12. T

    When Gas hits $4 a Gallon ill bet you the media wouldnt criticize Obama

    He's just repeating catchphrases and buzzwords without really knowing the story or context for them.
  13. T

    I am So Sick of Hearing That Raising Taxes is Bad For the Economy.

    Yes, discussing politics with YOU can be frustrating and disturbing, troll.
  14. T

    I am So Sick of Hearing That Raising Taxes is Bad For the Economy.

    I can get 40 channels over the air on a free 50" television if I wanted. I could get a free cell phone if I wanted and use a pay-as-you-go plan that runs me about 20$ a month. Even a "poor" person can afford that.
  15. T

    I am So Sick of Hearing That Raising Taxes is Bad For the Economy.

    I can get all those items for free off Craigslist. Those are not luxuries; they are mass produced consumer goods that the American marketplace is saturated with and has been for a long time. A true measure of wealth/poverty is to see what kind of education and health benefits people can afford.
  16. T

    JFK and Mimi Alford

    Okay people, I think it's pretty obvious "SteveMcGarrett" is just a troll. Time to turn our backs on him.
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    JFK and Mimi Alford

    Here's an idea: maybe the all-knowing, all-powerful Newt can invent a time machine and the two of you can go back to the good ol days together.
  18. T

    JFK and Mimi Alford

    Thanks for posting that. Here is definitive proof of what kind of person you are. Can't imagine your stay here will be much longer tolerated. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, jackass.
  19. T

    I am So Sick of Hearing That Raising Taxes is Bad For the Economy.

    Two observations. 1) Individual anecdotal evidence means nothing in a debate like this. 2) Quibbling over specific words and semantics in an attempt to derail argument.