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  1. me_punctured

    Can a city make you fat?

    Lawsuits can also make lawyers handsomely rich. Do you have any inkling of how much lawyers charge? How much would a top quality lawyer charge you hourly for reviewing your work-for-hire contract?
  2. me_punctured

    Can a city make you fat?

    I'm reluctant to make broad, rash generalizations about the correlation of living in a city to obesity. A correlation does not necessarily imply a causation. In the case of urban, fast-paced living, there are multiple factors to take into consideration and they can point you to different...
  3. me_punctured

    Please Pray For My Friend's son

    My deepest condolences. :(
  4. me_punctured

    BREAKING NEWS= North Korea Missile Landed in Hawaii

    Do you know what happened to the little boy who cried wolf? Has anyone read the story before? Perhaps we should have a little bedtime reading tonight... And Eyeth, some people, including I, do read BBC news. It has more of an international flavor, which I cannot speak for many U.S.-based...
  5. me_punctured

    Castrated Child Molester

    I wouldn't say that 'sex addicts' and 'sex offenders' are interchangeable. The latter is much more interested in power control, not the act of sex itself. They just utilize sexual intercourse in various ways to dominate their victims.
  6. me_punctured

    North Korea threatens U.S.with Nuclear war!

    We're still waiting for the weapons of mass destruction!
  7. me_punctured

    Anybody know anyone who goes to UBC?

    Have you tried contacting UBC's Disability Resource Centre? You could ask to get in touch with other deaf students there.
  8. me_punctured

    Experts are finding that "high-fructose corn syrup" (HFCS) is making us fat

    Doubt prevents me from interpreting your compliment as a genuine one. Who knows what lurks beneath your wits? But it's good to know that you were joking around. I would've hate it to bust your balls... in this case. :topic:
  9. me_punctured

    Experts are finding that "high-fructose corn syrup" (HFCS) is making us fat

    You only wish that I eat NutraSweet gunk-saturated foods. And isn't ethane-1,2-diol the same as ethylene glycol?
  10. me_punctured

    Experts are finding that "high-fructose corn syrup" (HFCS) is making us fat

    It's impossible to turn over a new leaf overnight. Eating healthy is an acquired habit. It can be a difficult transition to make if you grew up on a steady diet of processed foods and carbonated beverages. Just like a certain wise headless character said, take it step by step. Educate yourself...
  11. me_punctured

    Experts are finding that "high-fructose corn syrup" (HFCS) is making us fat

    Asking us if we drink antifreeze? How dare you insult our intelligence? Surely we know better than to consume household products! Ethylene glycol tastes delicious, by the way. Yum yum.
  12. me_punctured

    Castrated Child Molester

    You can find out if you live near a registered sex offender. For example, here's the California Sex Offenders Registry: Scary, isn't it?
  13. me_punctured

    Castrated Child Molester

    I don't believe in complete redemption when it comes to child molesters. Nor do I believe that castration can curb a molester's urges to violate the physical and psychological boundaries of a child. There are many ways to hurt a child without the penetration of a penis.
  14. me_punctured

    America ..... I recently saw

    If you don't like the phrase 'French fries' because of its alleged connection to France, just call them 'fries', 'chips' or 'pommes frities.' French fries are originally from Belgium.
  15. me_punctured

    Is Islam a Threat?

    :topic: I love how this thread reinforces the 'ARGUMENT IS WAR' metaphor.
  16. me_punctured

    Gallaudet University's Hearing Undergraduate program

    Look what you've done! I never said anything of the sort.
  17. me_punctured

    So let's say all deaf people had cochlear implants for a change...

    Disagreed! If we follow the logical thinking of some Deaf people who argue that cochlear implants isolate the deaf children of tomorrow from the Deaf world, then we all would be one big happy family where no one is a stranger. Right? And within the big happy family, which can get incestuous, all...
  18. me_punctured

    Gallaudet University's Hearing Undergraduate program

    Lady, you don't have to be so subtle about it! ;)
  19. me_punctured

    Gallaudet University's Hearing Undergraduate program

    Maybe you could contact Gallaudet University's admissions office and ask to get in touch with a few HUG students. A campus visit would be the ideal way of gathering information about the HUG program by talking to the students, visiting classes and observing the scene. Good luck!
  20. me_punctured

    America ..... I recently saw

    'Ameri' doesn't mean anything in French. But 'amer' in French means bitter. I was only playing along with your game, but by no means making a political statement, much less flashing my alleged anti-American colors. That's all.