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  1. D

    Know what we need to do for hearing people?

    I know . I know what to do . Thanks for warning me . If they popping up in my email .. I can block it.
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    Know what we need to do for hearing people?

    Aww.. that's so thoughtful of you. I tried but I just felt idiot didn't know how. hehe... :ty: .. sooo much! Now I feels better through!
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    Know what we need to do for hearing people?

    HEHE . Yep !
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    Know what we need to do for hearing people?

    Yipee I used to lived in GLen Burine 9 years ago! I 'm deaf woman and married. This would be nice for us as we meet then who knows to become a friends. Never know , huh? wink!:ty: so Im; so glad I didn't misunderstood!
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    Know what we need to do for hearing people?

    Allight :-) By the way do you live in Baltimore? I live in Bel Air. Maybe I was misunderstanding and thought you live n Baltimore. If you are.. it's would be great .:-)May I ask are you deaf ?? I am .
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    Know what we need to do for hearing people?

    Well.. what I mean was we as deaf people need to tell the hearing what they need like I was explained about .Deaf implant and asl implant so that the hearing people can see how we the deaf people feels by them pushing the deaf world.
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    Know what we need to do for hearing people?

    Some of us as deaf people who might have never thought about for hearing people. Because those hearing who invented CI an inventors .. drs... CI supportor programs ... how about adoption agencies and the hearing parents that could have pushed and encouraged the deaf people even babies who...
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    Did/Do you breastfed your baby?

    LOL.. U are funny guy!
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    Deaf partner or hearing?

    CONGRATS to both of you looking forward on your wedding day ! My husband is hearing too and I am deaf. We have been married for 28 th years! CONGRATS! Hope you have a wonderful ... happy...above all ..most important knowing that marriage is forever till rest in peace.
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    "The Castle In My Mind"

    I love your completely story! It will be wonderful that you would do to published it and send it to the drs .. hospital.. adoption agencies whoever the programs are . Let's your story be heard !:-) Thanks for writing and keep it up in your mind to writing on.:-):ty:
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    Post your gas prices

    Hey ! you live in baltimore? I live in bel air. I saw gas price yesterday 3.45 for unleaded! Scary huh?
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    Deaf Culture/sign language

    Hey. You have your right to felt insulted. If I were you ..I will report it. And stand up what is right . You are who are you matters where you came from. Be you. I live in Baltimore but not inside of Baltimore.. just outside of Baltimore.I also am deaf person myself. I will feels...
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    Male Gives Toddler Pot

    I know . This world have even have been a craizer place and the people..this not a new . I can't imagine how people do that on their crazy life . One thing I know is if they know God they would not do a crazy things. And also they either don't care and may not know the right and wrong. sad...
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    Post your gas prices

    Reba, I agreed with you it's not possible for everyone .
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    Post your gas prices

    Hi in part of Maryland somewhere unleaded gas price from 3.15 to 3.35 a gal. My brother used to lived in Bermuda for 3 years.. very expenisve to live there than in the U.s. . I remmy some of the cost he explained.. 10 dollars for a gal of milk. McDonalds' just for family of 4 $50...
  16. D

    Can *all* deaf people read and write?

    Well to my experiences with the deaf culture.. but let me tell you I am deaf. I 've met most of the deaf who can and who can't depends on their skills level. A friend of mine who's complelety deaf himself .. very integellient in english and words than I do. But I do and can read and write like...
  17. D

    Why Would You NOT Choose A CI?

    Well ..let's not debating. God created the the person and He knows who will become disabilty. That's why there are the reason .Sometimes we can't see why and understands to accept it. Just remember deafness is not a tragedy.. Ignorance is the tragedy. For me I will never accept to have CI...
  18. D

    Why Would You NOT Choose A CI?

    Well for me and my life I always have been a happy person myself. I was born deaf and wears HA all my life. I went to orally school when I was 3-4 yrs old so simply and basic words. I attended special school for any disabitly . Until I was 12 years old I was transfered to Maryland Deaf School ...
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    Deaf-hearing relationship problems

    Hearing and deaf couples Hi everyone. I am deaf and I have been married to my wonderful hearing husband for 28 years! I 've read some of your comments and stories and some are good and some are sad. But don't give up hope and patience. I can speak and signs and do wears my hearing aid as well...
  20. D

    First Hearing Aid for my daughter

    Your question about hearing aid Hi .I know how expensives heairng aid can be. I am profound deaf and have ben deaf all my life. I am 49 years old. I do wears hearing aid and still is now. The avgeage cost is around 900 to 1 thousdands. There's never cost me fo haivng hearing screen test . I go...