Male Gives Toddler Pot

What has the world came to?

I remember I read an article last year or 2 years ago about a similar incident of a teenager (I think it was the toddler's older brother or cousin - not sure) gave the toddler a pot. Also the brother/cousin was teaching the toddler how to smoke it. Of course the brother/cousin was charged for that. It's crazy and stupid to it's own.
That is real stupid of the male to give the toddler? What if the pot was laced with cocaine. It can cause havoc to the toddler's health and maybe damages to young brain's developments? Poor kid. :(
Yep I agere with all of you,, also it not the first time I have heard about it. I remember few years ago on the local tv news a young teenage boy gave pot baby brother age 2 years old end up in hospital while babysitting his brother. But guess what, Soical services end up taking both kids away from the mother. Sad huh.
If this is the same one I saw on T.V. the other night on the news, it was the boy that actually put the pipe in the baby's mouth, but his girlfriend held the baby on her lap to keep it from getting away. They are both a couple of idiots. Not only did they do this to this kid, but they taped themselves doing it! Not the brightest crayons in the box!

The good news is the baby was checked out at a hospital and is okay.
Oh really, that's so dumb for this man who gave a pot to toddler.
Far out! that's awful. *smh*
I saw it on CNN. What the hell is wrong with these people?
Yea so did I saw it on CNN, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. :eek:
I can't view those video because my office computer block me for view it... I am total speechless after read posters's description...

I cannot beleive that a man gave 2 years old smoking pot... :jaw:... What a :crazy: *shake my head disguistly*
I know . This world have even have been a craizer place and the people..this not a new . I can't imagine how people do that on their crazy life . One thing I know is if they know God they would not do a crazy things. And also they either don't care and may not know the right and wrong. sad ,HUH.That's how the people lives . I ve seen it almost everyday on tv and my own eyes out there.