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  1. L

    Canada Election 2011

    Ignatieff, Duceppe step down. I was so happy to see the separatist party get destroyed. It has no place in federal politics.
  2. L

    Canada Election 2011

    It's official: Ignatieff lost his own riding. Liberal leadership convention to follow...
  3. L

    Canada Election 2011

    Our Conservative Party is generally seen as being somewhat liberal.
  4. L

    Canada Election 2011

    Elizabeth May's seat has been confirmed. She will be able to debate in the next election.
  5. L

    Canada Election 2011

    The Conservatives won a majority government. What's historic is the NDP's gain! They are Canada's official opposition. This has never happened! Also, the Liberals have faced their biggest loss ever; Michael Ignatieff isn't even winning in his own riding. The Bloc's leader also lost his own...
  6. L

    Canada Election 2011

    The election has been so intense! History has been made. Crazy stuff! Very exciting. :)
  7. L

    Canada Election 2011

    Just came back from voting. :) It will be interesting to watch the results come in tonight!
  8. L

    Breaking News! CNN announces Osama Bin Laden is Dead !

    I apologize. I didn't hear that part. Caption on CNN is slow. :) I stand corrected. :P
  9. L

    Breaking News! CNN announces Osama Bin Laden is Dead !

    Killed in Pakistan in a firefight. Retrieved the body. He's dead. <---- All he had to say. The ten minute speech was quite redundant.
  10. L

    Canada Election 2011

    I was aware of their attacks against the NDP. I also know that it's not to the extent of their previous attacks against the Liberals.
  11. L

    Canada Election 2011

    Agreed (bold). Notice how the Conservatives went out of their way before the election to attack Ignatieff and the Liberals. This is because they posed a genuine threat to the Conservatives, and they knew it. The Conservatives have not yet initiated a full out attack on the NDP. I'm not sure...
  12. L

    Canada Election 2011

    To be honest, I don't think that the Conservatives believe the NDP poses a threat. The Conservatives' attacks on the NDP have been kept at a minimum. The new NDP voters = old Bloc, Liberal voters who have switched. In ridings that are currently Liberal, the vote will now be divided between the...
  13. L

    Canada Election 2011

    I wasn't aware of this. Fortunately, I rarely have to drive anywhere. :)
  14. L

    Canada Election 2011

    Indeed. However, I do think that the NDP's new found fame could work out well for the Conservatives in the end. They might just get their majority after all.
  15. L

    Canada Election 2011

    Agreed. I'm not familiar with Flaherty's policies, so I don't really have an opinion on whether or not the Conservatives should appoint a new finance minister.
  16. L

    Canada Election 2011

    I'm on the fence. I don't really want the Conservatives to have too much power, but at the same time, I don't want the coalition to form a government. I think that a Conservative majority might just happen tomorrow night. Stranger things have happened!
  17. L


    Congrats, Lissa. :)
  18. L

    What did you learn today? Part II

    I was pretty thankful. I had a little over $20, but I had to buy some groceries to bring over to a friend's house. I'm going to ask my parents for a little bit of leniency when it comes to paying them this month. *Fingers crossed*
  19. L

    What did you learn today? Part II

    Learned that my account has a mere $12 in it. Wonderful. If I knew I had so little, I might have watched my spending. I just never thought to check the balance. My job doesn't start until June, so I'm screwed for now. :|