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  1. K

    ok why do HoH or Deaf People Have poor Grammar?

    Bingo! Because to sign that is long and cumbersome. The transcribed ASL sentence seems "simplistic" to an English speaker but when a person signs it, it actually contains lots of information that can't be written down in terms of the "dictionary definition" signs alone. Spoken languages takes...
  2. K

    ok why do HoH or Deaf People Have poor Grammar?

    I think it has a lot to do with it. Childhood up to the age of 14 is a time when the brain is "wired" to grab langauge. Babies and young children get most of their language passively for at least the first two years; they don't talk but they hear language around them constantly and are...
  3. K

    Does it annoy you when you cannot pronouce something?

    Hehe I'm a hearie but I'm a native English speaker living in Turkey. I used to live in a neighborhood by the Galata Tower, called "Kuledibi." And my mouth just did not want to pronounce that word! When I'd get in a taxi, I'd have to tell the taxi driver "Kuledibi'ne rica ederim" (To Kuledibi...
  4. K

    From a person that hates deaf people.

    Well, now isn't that special...
  5. K

    Man Saves Dog by Sucking Venom From His Nose

    Sucking venom out of a dog's nose. Yuck. But good for him, even if it does remind me of a dirty joke about two cowboys. I won't tell it here but the punchline is, "The doctor says you're gonna die!" I had no idea antivenin was so expensive!
  6. K

    Deaf Boyfriend versus Hearing Boyfriend...

    I'm a hearie, I dated a deaf guy here (Turkey), no complaints about him in bed. ;) I guess deaf people here like to gossip...but I think any time you have a community within a community, where everyone knows everyone, you are going to get that. I ran into an Iranian guy I knew in a gay bar; he...
  7. K

    "That is gay!"

    I think whatever I feel about it, the word is going to be around for a while. We say "lame," I say it too, and I am not making fun of disabled people. But behind the word is the very clear idea that being lame/unable to walk well is not a good thing. And I think that while the use of "gay"...
  8. K

    ok why do HoH or Deaf People Have poor Grammar?

    Part of it is the same as anyone who is approaching a second language from a mindset of a first language. You have ideas, you need to express them, and one language works very differently from another. When a Turkish person just starting English says something like "Even I English speak don't...
  9. K

    Cat hater murdering cats

    I have a few cats that I somtimes *think* about doing awful things to (especially when they dig in my garden and replace carefully raised and cared-for plants with a cat turd). But I promise I've never done more than squirt water at them!
  10. K

    Turkey & the E.U.

    Not an issue. :) That's why we have forums!
  11. K

    Real Effects of smoking pot

    Well, sometimes I think what is being said is not nearly as important as who is saying it. There has not been one documented death, ever, from smoking pot. Compare that to cigarettes and alcohol, and then look at the frenzy around pot. Hmmm.
  12. K

    My view on sign language/non sign language with CI.

    Or announcers on the radio. :) How many times I've seen the real face and been shocked at how different it was from the face I'd imagined!
  13. K

    Turkey & the E.U.

    I would definitely not say that Greece is flexible when it comes to homosexuality. Gay towns? Mykonos had a very large gay following for a long time; still does, but most of the country is still not at all comfortable with gayness. Like Turkey, the traditional ideas about male-male sexuality...
  14. K

    some hearing people still thinks....

    It's amazing how many people, when hearing someone speak another language or seeing people sign, will just assume that they cannot understand/hear, and either make rude commants or (more often) just talk as if the people aren't there. Once I was sitting with some people at a restaurant, at the...
  15. K

    what does everyone else do?

    I'm hearing but texting on the cell phone has been really helpful for communicating with Deaf friends. (It never occurred to me to try and call them - I really do believe they are Deaf!) :D It also serves as a substitute for pad and paper when my crappy signing is lacking. We just write...
  16. K

    Is it allright to Date Deaf or Hard of Hearing if I am deaf but what about Hearing?

    Bingo. I'm a hearing person who recently started dating a Deaf person. I can't say that I haven't worried about some aspects of the relationship. But sometimes unfamimliarity can also make an issue seem bigger than it really is. For example, I'm a musician, and obviously that's not something...
  17. K

    age differences

    heehee :)
  18. K

    age differences

    In Greece they say, "The old chicken makes the best broth." :) Of course I suppose you weren't planning to boil her. I used to be more hung up about age than I am now. There is such a variety in people; and the more you meet, the more age is just a number. If both sides are happy and both...
  19. K

    I resent my family

    I think any parents who have a deaf child and is even thinking about forcing oral or not learning sign, should read this thread, several times, and think really hard. How can communication with your kid be of such little importance that you wouldn't do everything you can to make sure it happens?
  20. K

    what has standing up for gays cost you?

    Methinks you might do well to read, reread, and consider your signature line.