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  1. Silentwolfdog

    Subscriptions Threads

    Glad I found this thread. So I won't lose my sanity.
  2. Silentwolfdog

    New York's Finest Police Cover-Up

    Wow...this is a heartbreaking story. Punishing a good man, how disgraceful. I wonder if grabbing media's attention would have helped.
  3. Silentwolfdog

    tip or bribe?

    Yeah yeah, of very few countries in the world that actually tips. But some of those examples seem to be bribery though. When I went to other country, it felt weird not to tip anyone for their service. lol But I noticed, perhaps because of my family, tips become a bit bigger...
  4. Silentwolfdog

    Netflix Closed Caption ?

    Where did it say captioning? I just see subtitles which means different thing.
  5. Silentwolfdog

    Let's see...
  6. Silentwolfdog

    ASL with no fingerspelling

    English is quite a thief! It has stolen...uhh...I mean borrowed hundreds of words from over a hundred languages of the world and continue to doing so even now! Quite a thief, isn't it?!
  7. Silentwolfdog

    Home Burns to the Ground as Firefighters Stand and Watch

    But problem is, how do they know if anyone is in the house if they don't step in, and to step in, they have to break in or spray their way in, no?
  8. Silentwolfdog

    Home Burns to the Ground as Firefighters Stand and Watch

    What if it were innocent pet or children inside the house? They are going to let them get burned alive? And this doesn't seem to save anyone any money, really. Red Cross will have to come and help em out. Now that they are homeless, and probably going to need some kind of services, guess whose...
  9. Silentwolfdog

    Chilean miners found alive – but rescue will take four months

    "A letter sent by one of them said they would take a vow of silence, to never to fully reveal the details of their underground misery." That's a bit chilling to hear. Wonders what had happened but oh well. First of 33 miners rescued in Chile -
  10. Silentwolfdog

    New planet discovered may have life

    And I think by having a mass is also a cause for gravity too. Even all of us have gravity ourselves, but because our mass is so small in compared to Earth's, nothing will come to us. So even if a planet doesn't spin, gravity still exists because of massive mass the planet delivers.
  11. Silentwolfdog

    system of entitlement

    Yeah, where do we buy em? And is that gonna be more valuable than food and water in the future even?
  12. Silentwolfdog

    What is your motto to live ?

    I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. ~Sarah William
  13. Silentwolfdog

    Brown Rice (Just 4 Info)

    True, but that's what I ate mostly when I was in Japan onigiri with dried seaweed. Easier to hold on, less messy, extra flavor.
  14. Silentwolfdog

    Brown Rice (Just 4 Info)

    I want a rice cooker. Hopefully someday. Also, someday I want to make onigiri. But it only works if you can find dried seaweed and making rice very sticky.
  15. Silentwolfdog

    Eating healthier

    Cool. Salad sometimes give me a heartburn. But the dressing WritingAlex made does sound good. Should try that sometimes. Soups, really? Thought they were too high in sodium to eat that often? As for potatoes, I made a recipe that's even better than eating potato chips and probably a lot...
  16. Silentwolfdog

    Eating healthier

    *Sighs* Yo fellow ADers! Help! I am thinking about trying to eat better. I am not in college anymore so I can't get away with instant ramen or frozen pizza anymore! Haha. Well, problem is, I hate to cook and I am lousy at it, so keep that in mind. Next problem...I am picky eater but is...
  17. Silentwolfdog

    How do you like the label 'Special Ed's student?

    I wasn't bullied in public school, but then again they didn't give me any weird labels. Only thing classmates had to decide who I am, was my action I think. So I got along with classmates just fine even with interpreters. Maybe by announcing it or have special labeled room can be hurtful to...
  18. Silentwolfdog

    prefer video or text?

    Yeah, depends. But usually I prefer text, I am too impatient to listen to someone signing on a video since it's slower than reading a text. I am glad I wasn't only one in this! I thought a lot of deaf people preferred to listen to video since there's some website where a lot of information is...
  19. Silentwolfdog

    What did you learn today?

    Yeah, someone helped me out recently. Turns out one thing I didn't do which is needed, was to close the Firefox. It all works out great. Whew.
  20. Silentwolfdog

    What did you learn today?

    I learned that I can't figure out how to remove one misspelled word from dictionary after accidentally click "add to dictionary." T_T