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  1. illustrator

    Sidekick (Voice Plan, HOW ???)

    T-Mobile's new quote. "Hello? Can you hear me? No? Damn!"
  2. illustrator

    Sidekick (Voice Plan, HOW ???)

    on other thread. :)
  3. illustrator

    When People Disagree.....

    I disagree with everbody. :nana:
  4. illustrator

    DeafNation Expo Indianapolis, IN

    :shock: no.
  5. illustrator

    Sidekick (Voice Plan, HOW ???)

    umm.. Y said, she don't want sidekick. In fact, she don't have one. :)
  6. illustrator

    DeafNation Expo Indianapolis, IN

    wow, over thousands people show up at this expo. Then I went to Indiana Deaf club, too small - too crowd. :ugh: Too much smoking, everybody break the rule which one room isn't suppose allow smoke while there is another room allow. :mad: At least, I enjoy meet deaf people. Of course, nobody of...
  7. illustrator

    Deaf man filed a lawsuit against Wendy's

    come and move to Texas. Their motto are "Friendship". Staffs won't bite you. ;)
  8. illustrator

    Sidekick (Voice Plan, HOW ???)

    too expensive to pay add each month with Dict-O-Mail or any other outside service. :cry: Sidekick suck. Get TDD only. hahahaha
  9. illustrator

    AllDeaf Time Zone?

    test test Note 1: Hmm... I guess I need to set a hour ahead. oops! Note 2: Hmm.. I look at CP and find that my set is correct, I guess it didn't auto as saving-day. :mad:
  10. illustrator

    Deaf man filed a lawsuit against Wendy's

    Same man that been incident in 3 years ago? :crazy: I believe he may have no patient. It's better to have own paper and pen or use sidekick to write up. For some reason, rare happen don't have available. the manager thought deaf required to yell to make the deaf person to hear it. How dumb...
  11. illustrator


    yesterday in north Texas, it's pretty cold - around 50°F :cold:
  12. illustrator

    DeafNation Expo Indianapolis, IN

    huh? Oregon come to Indiana?
  13. illustrator

    wireless tdd

    you mean smallest tdd. :)
  14. illustrator


    :werd: It give me lot of trouble. :mad: twice.
  15. illustrator

    Wireless IP-Relay Service Is Now Available!

    IMPOSSIBLE Simple use text message since almost every mobile are include text message servoice that can be connect to anywhere.
  16. illustrator


    I like Nokia 6800. Great mobile I ever had. Yes, it can make call regular voice to text if I use Dict-O-Mail. That what Mark suggest me. But, I don't need it since I have PocketComm and have them call me direct either Relay Service or TTY mode, only. E-mail, web, and AIM are relation to "data...
  17. illustrator

    Sidekick (Voice Plan, HOW ???)

    Hearing people can use sidekick to call relay service at 711 or states' TRS number. If use voice plan. I hear lately that hearing are complain on sidekick that has poor audio for them to hear.
  18. illustrator


    These paper can be helpful. Burn em. :)
  19. illustrator

    ASL Yahoo TV ad

    I saw that commerical tv ads last Sat during NBA playoff. Hmm...