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    The Vent Thread

    i agree with ya, it starts to drive me insane!!!!
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    So drama is entertainment eh?

    those who loves drama needs to suck it up!!! guess this person is desperate of attention.
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    Pepsi or Coke?

    Pepsi ROCKS!!! Coke do leave a dry blah tatse on my tounge
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    heat wave...

    today is not that bad, but last weekend it was 110 degree while moving to new place :hyper: , it was hot as hell. Nozobo car is 2004 Aveo with no A/C. i felt like going to home depot and buy a A/C with remote and hook it up to his car :whistle: . the rush hour traffic was miserable last weekend
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    Colorado vacation

    The 1st picture i have that picture too. Im curious if you have seen moose or deer roaming around the town?? Im sure u have seen Mooses laying down and relaxing next to a food store
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    Colorado vacation

    Myself from colorado, Which hotel did u stay in Estes Park?? The Stanley Hotel?? that hotel sure creeps me out
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    Finally Here

    Welcome to AD, you know who i am!!! :whistle: :booty:
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    Lifetime Movie.. Not Like Everyone Else

    No cable here, everything is turn off and will be on as we settle in new place :hyper:
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    BREAKING NEWS= North Korea Missile Landed in Hawaii

    U scared the shit out of me, i thought it hit hawaii.. geesh
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    Have the Jehovah Witness people come to your door?

    Nozobo sister is antdoine (sp) and talks with Jeohivah, i told her oh your hearing voices in your head, she has mental problem!!!
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    Have the Jehovah Witness people come to your door?

    They are against U.S. flags even i put one on my door for 4th of july as a decrection. sure they get pissed of. I need to buy a Anti- JW shirt lol, sure they do get me all :hyper: and :mad: cuz they kept on preaching and take "NO" for an answer
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    Have the Jehovah Witness people come to your door?

    I wish J.W. was never invented in early 1900s.
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    Have the Jehovah Witness people come to your door?

    "You cannot speak to former members who are shunned (disfellowshipped)" only about religious matters, and the elders and family can still speak to them about that. HAHAHAHAHAHA, Nozobo has left J.W. and his ass brother told all family that he cant talk with them cuz hes gay and its GOD job to...
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    Have the Jehovah Witness people come to your door?

    :barf: :ugh3: , sure its pain in the ass to listen to a J.W. i met a really an ASSHOLE J.W. which is Nozobo brother. he was a DISRESPECTFUL person and putting down my own religious so i have 10000000% lost respect to J.W. and i absoulty agree that J.W. is a CULT
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    Who is looking for apts, rental homes and buying a home this year and next year?

    moving in 2 weeks :ugh3: :ugh3: :ugh3: , by next summer will have brand new home :whistle:
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    new Welsh Corgi owners

    Same as Zappy, but it cost 600 dollars but neoigated for 250 dollars
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    Need Advices!!!

    Since Me and Nozobo are moving to new place. we need a advice on prossfional (sp) movers to move our belongs to the new place. Any moving company that you will recommed, like Allied, Mayflower, United, Atlas etc. thanks :)
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    Mother (Patty Ramsey) of Slain JonBenet Ramsey Dies

    May Pasty Ramsey rest in peace... I've seen their boulder home. the feeling was creepy when we drove by to see it, but afterward it was very sadness, lonely feeling