I've seen alot of members starting threads when they whine and complain about other members and express their anger on it and all, but really, what good does it do? what does it REALLY do? you seen the mods aren't doing that much but if they tell you to ignore them then you can simply do so but alot of you always take it so far that you cant handle it anymore and I know there are times when I get mad too so really, if whining all the time and causing drama around is to just get some attention, then you seriously have no life. if you dont like how they treat you around AD, then go somewhere else. it's the internet! you can go anywhere on the internet all the time.
Mods can't do everything about every situation at AD...like they said, the best is to just IGNORE them...ever heard of an ignore button? thats why they put it on there!
So it seems to me that the deaf community is getting really pathetic these days...so many ppl spreading rumors and lies and loves to drama all the time, it just sickens me to see alot of you doing that and I will not name who unless you have the brain to know who.
So ppl...if you dont like drama, rumors, or lies, and you dont like AD anymore...then just get outta here cause we can't do much to make the site better for you.
AD is a message board for all deaf people, so it doesnt mean it would meet your needs and demands on there and everybody is different there so what do you expect? a message board with full of friendly and smart ppl who would get a long with you all the time? better think again cause this isnt the brandy bunch crap...so ppl who cause drama, making pathetic threads to seek attention, and even making pointless and boring threads...I pity the fool in you.