Search results

  1. bree

    new idea on laptop

    laptop? BAH!! get me a WHOLE NEW category of machine. I think the eMate was a step in the right direction. TINY, tough and cheap. Battery that runs forever. The so called 'tablet pcs' are the ugly descendant of them. Not selling. Too much money for too little. Too bulky to actually...
  2. bree

    Which Laptop is best?

    I would vote for an iBook or Powerbook. stable = Unix core gives it a server heritage that required staying up years. When you account for the fact that many problems with windows' stability stem from viruses and the like, or hardware incompatibilities... why Macs become almost bulletproof...
  3. bree

    What if the wal-mart....

    If you really want to know about Walmart, read This. Scary. Massively scary that one company has so much power.
  4. bree

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    I'm slow to answer, but I think I'll try to answer this some more. The fact of the matter is that protein is an odd type of nutrient. Protein is the collective term for several different types of proteinS that your body needs. Eating meat is an easy way to get them all, but veggies also have...
  5. bree

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    *Channelling Monty Python ...* Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam! :lol:
  6. bree

    If you were to create a website for the Deaf...

    Would this be Crime TV? :lol:
  7. bree

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    I'm a vegetarian. Been one so long (going on 15 years now) that the thought of eating meat is like eating a table. Its just not food, is it? My girlfriend is slightly more militant than me. She has a bumper sticker that says: "If you love animals called pets, why do you eat animals called...
  8. bree

    If you were to create a website for the Deaf...

    steel... try checking out Xoops. They have a nice built in avatar feature, as well as chat, etc.
  9. bree

    Deadly Flu Outbreak: Is History Repeating Itself?

    Err... Its the governments job to oversee and track medical care. BUT.. and a big but(t) here.. they don't actually give out shots. Medical care in america is overseen by private companies. The government (CDC) helps determine which strain of flu might be dangerous next year. A PRIVATE company...
  10. bree

    If you were to create a website for the Deaf...

    Heres a quick run down of some ideas I have. Mix of some stuff I am working on/plan to have, and just ideas. 1) 'feeds' and links to deaf sites that will let you know when they are updated 2) deaf journals and blogs. (local and on other sites). 3) listing of deaf events (OC movies, deaf...
  11. bree

    Have your family critize you on baby names?

    I just LOVEE unique names. Comes from having one myself, I guess. As far as I know, there is nobody else called Brein. My biological sister's name is Michaela, which is pretty unusual, too. Some of my other siblings (adopted) have also names that are a bit different. Dao and Thanh both...
  12. bree

    If you were to create a website for the Deaf...

    I've already created a deafie website, so I'll just toss in my experiences here. A website take both less and more work than people realize. Less in that it doesn't take tons of programming if you pick up the right tools. (there are a lot of programs which will deal with that for you. Check...
  13. bree

    DVD NEWS: Reefer Madness

    Yes, but does it have captioning or subtitles? DVD's are better than videos at this, but 'restorations' of old films often don't have any captioning added. =(
  14. bree

    Treating Deaf addicts

    I have ADHD myself, plus a family history of alcoholism. Due to these facts, I have always been careful around drugs. Probably way too easy for me to get addicted. I don't know if its true or not, but it appears to me that deafies seem to have higher rates of ADD and other learning...
  15. bree

    Treating Deaf addicts

    I recently posted this up on my site , but I'm not getting much traffic yet. :( I think this is important enough to really need to be discussed seriously, and as openly as possible. Lack of treatment for addicts can be life-threatening, as the article shows. When deaf people often don't get...
  16. bree

    Deadly Flu Outbreak: Is History Repeating Itself?

    The temperature doesn't have anything do do with the flu, or the common cold. Just a myth there. Well, there is a connection, but not what you think. When it gets cold, people stay inside more, and thus people are closer together. Easier for disease to spread. Please take this outbreak...
  17. bree

    XP vs OS X

    Longhorn was initially supposed to be released in 2004. More recently they have been claiming 2005, which is where your quote comes from. They have since been backtracking on this estimate. Gates has said there is NO release date (delayed in other words) MS engineers have also said that...
  18. bree

    new deaf site: Chiromeme

    Thanks a lot. I'm not really looking to create ANOTHER forum, though. There are several around already. (With alldeaf being one of the best :D ) I'm hoping to create a deaf news 'portal' instead. I don't feel that there anything really effective online for deaf news. (besides several email...
  19. bree

    new deaf site: Chiromeme

    no feedback? :tears: me want feedback. Changed everything around. Can I have feedback this time around?
  20. bree

    Mac G5 Fastest???

    If you think the G5 is fast now, wait a month or two. According to some rumors, models up to 2.6 GHZ should be released soon. (2.2, 2.4, and 2.6 GHZ models were mentioned). Steve Jobs has also promised a 3 GHZ model by this summer...