Deadly Flu Outbreak: Is History Repeating Itself?


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Apr 5, 2003
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Deadly Flu Outbreak: Is History Repeating Itself?

Notice myself that some flu from different country killed Americans. Here is the link.

Currently, I live in Colorado. Highest rate for people get Flu. Increase the number of people got killed from flu.

Tell me what do u think thie history of "Influenza" repeating? Post right away.
yeah.. i think it always repeat every year.. we don't have any cure to stop it forever just like other vaccines to stop forever.

that colorado flu virus is scary.. i saw on news.. i don't understand why Just colorado and not other states..
Flu will always be around -- i only know of 2 types: the Type A Flu that lasts up to a week and Type B Flu that is generally a 24 hour bug -- ive survived both types -- ive heard of the Colorado Flu and thats pretty extreme if it lasts longer than a week typical of Type A
Yeah, it's forever. It's like a common cold. We all get it eventually. As soon as they find a cure for a common cold, everything else will be solved.
VamPyroX said:
Yeah, it's forever. It's like a common cold. We all get it eventually. As soon as they find a cure for a common cold, everything else will be solved.

First, find a way to make the sun hotter then you will solve the common cold. :cold:

Damn more snow coming up tomorrow. Is 2004 the Year of Blizzard? heh
Damn, I want it to snow. I've never been skiing and I don't want to catch a cold from the cold snow. :(
The temperature doesn't have anything do do with the flu, or the common cold. Just a myth there.
Well, there is a connection, but not what you think.
When it gets cold, people stay inside more, and thus people are closer together. Easier for disease to spread.

Please take this outbreak of flu VERY seriously. A strain of flu back in 1918 killed the most people in the fastest time, ever.
Yes, more deadly than the plague, ebola, AIDS, or any other disease in history.

It's not likely to be any where near as bad this year, but it will kill many people. Please be careful and get your flu vaccine if you can.
My grandmother's grandparents died from the flu I believe two weeks apart back in November or December 1918. I'm taking it very seriously, but I don't want to have to get a shot for it!
I've never gotten a flu shot in my life. I don't trust the goverment to administrate shots to people.
Sophia26 said:
I've never gotten a flu shot in my life. I don't trust the goverment to administrate shots to people.

Err... Its the governments job to oversee and track medical care. BUT.. and a big but(t) here.. they don't actually give out shots. Medical care in america is overseen by private companies. The government (CDC) helps determine which strain of flu might be dangerous next year. A PRIVATE company takes samples of the flu strain and makes the shots. This is distributed to private doctors practices, and paid for by insurance companies. There are public health clinics (most are NOT associated with the government, but rather charities), but they pay the company for doses of the flu shots.

Me.. I would trust the government more than private companies. In theory, at least, they are supposed to serve the people. Companies are just supposed to make a buck.

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