Search results

  1. bree

    XP vs OS X

    I won't argue that the mac gaming industry pretty much sucks. But consoles are killing the PC gaming industry, too. FYI, there are plenty of mac games, its just that they don't have enormous sums of money like EA to market their games. Most of the better 'mac only' games are shareware, with...
  2. bree

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    gnarlyDorkette: google is your friend. A quick search will give you several informative links about calcium and vegetarian diets. some good links: if you read my last post here, you...
  3. bree

    Did you ever got lucky?

    I used to say "Lady Luck likes me". Keep in mind, thats as much as a curse as a blessing. I tend to have strings of both good luck and bad luck. Why? :dunno: Ask Lady Luck.
  4. bree

    Hoax Photography

    You know the famous picture of the firemen at the WTC ruins? Staged. There are plenty of other examples of 'staged' news photography that is distributed by major newspapers.
  5. bree


    I've been to ireland already. Love it. Want to move there one of these days, but never quite get around to it. What's really cool is that if your family is irish, you can get irish 'dual' citizenship relatively easy. (ie, if your parents, grandparents or in some cases great-grandparents were...
  6. bree

    Ip Relay Warning

    How about people being proactive? Like when you are on the relay trying to place a order, ask if there is another way to order without using the phone? Or telling the business to ask for proof of id in some way (SS #, drivers license #, etc), and providing it? I know it is a hassle, but if it...
  7. bree

    XP vs OS X

    Vaporware(from Wikipedia ) Longhorn seems to fit this to a T. Doom3 was never given a release date as far as I know. Mac os X fast user switching is cool. Uses something called 'Quartz Extreme', a 3D graphics engine that actually offloads the graphics work to the video card. Longhorn...
  8. bree

    School for the Deaf

    Geez. I Didn't realize there were so many MSSDers here. I'm another member of the class of '95. ;)
  9. bree

    Deaf Man was shot to death in Brooklyn, NY

    *mumbles* I've been trying to follow this story for my site, and apparently the media can't do two basic things. One is keep their facts straight. The other is refrain from calling the victim a deaf mute. The NY Post's headline is 'Deaf-Mute Slain'. The NY ABC affiliate also says 'deaf mute'...
  10. bree

    Bush to Promote Marriage in $1.5 Billion Plan, Report Says

    Misleading. How much was funding BEFORE Bush was in office? And how much money do they have to work with in the first place? (I.E. is the government getting more or less in taxes?? What PERCENTAGE of the GNP or national funds are these?) What did Bush 'recommend' for the budget? Since...
  11. bree

    Atkins Diet

    I find the Atkins diet completely scary. As far as i can tell, you lose weight by gorging yourself, while at the same time starving yourself. If you look at the 'food pyramid', you will find that all the 'carb' foods are at the bottom, and the more high protein, high fat foods are at the...
  12. bree

    it's abt 11 deaf peep who kick out from airplane

    This is a completely xenophobic statement. While Americans might rave over the ADA, this does NOT mean that other countries do not have disability rights laws. While I am not familiar with the specific laws in the UK, many European countries have quite extensive social support systems. They are...
  13. bree

    Sexual Abuse of Deaf Students in Schools...

    Agreed about the residential school thing. I believe that the nature of residential schools cause them to be more prone to abuse (no matter the type of school). But as for gang rape.. well.. there was a recent incident in holland. Linky
  14. bree

    it's abt 11 deaf peep who kick out from airplane

    Correct. He supposedly was following regulations. Please keep in mind that the pilot has the last say in what goes on his plane. PERIOD. This is for safety reasons. He does have to follow rules, but the airlines will follow what he says first, right or wrong. He will have to provide a good...
  15. bree

    Bush to Promote Marriage in $1.5 Billion Plan, Report Says

    But all that money is supposed to last until the mars flights in *2030*. It is extremely unlikely that all the money will actually be given to NASA given this long time span. It actually comes out to much less than a billion a year, and in the meanwhile, bush has requested that space flights be...
  16. bree

    Which Laptop is best?

    Mhz is pretty misleading when you are comparing different chips. Even when comparing chips from the same company.. The Pentium 3 is actually faster than the Pentium 4 at the same Mhz. Intel just ramped up the Mhz of the P4, while sacrificing performance. Trade-off, but makes the Mhz...
  17. bree

    What if the wal-mart....

    They used to do this.. They stopped when there were no longer any 'tax advantages'. Linky
  18. bree

    It was 77 degrees here all weekend

    Lets skip to the most interesting bit in the article.... Cold enough for ya? To compare, the wind chill in Antarctica is currently minus 36.
  19. bree

    What if the wal-mart....

    Here's a good one. Walmart just stopped a policy of taking out life insurance on their employees. They they paid for it by taking money out of the employees paychecks. When the employees died.. all the money went to Walmart. Can you tell I don't like Wally World? :)
  20. bree

    Need some help

    Could you clarify exactly what you want? You want sites that provide information on deafness or? If you want some deaf sites, try looking through the deaf links sites: Deaf links Deaf dude's deaf links...