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  1. N

    should parents lose custody of fat kids?

    I do agree with that one - big time. But I also blame on societal influences - fast food and inactivity contribute to obesity. And obsession with "dieting" crap. I am sickened when I watched "Extreme Makeover: weight edition" because it imposes unrealistic expectations on those morbidly obese...
  2. N

    Native Family Attacked by Skinheads, One of Them is a Cop's Son

    hate crime? Non-sense! Skinheads shouldn't be punished more severely for their deliberate target of those inferior people who demand "special rights." *just parroting what conservatives are really saying*
  3. N

    should parents lose custody of fat kids?

    I disagree. I believe they should be mandated to learn about sex, home economics, finances, children upraising, and responsibilities of marriage in a secular perspective where religious people can be happy to add their beliefs to the secular education... at home! A planned parenthood produce...
  4. N

    should parents lose custody of fat kids?

    Baloney. Obesity is simple - it's a result of consuming TOO MUCH energy. While it's true that metabolic rate does vary among individuals, there's a limit to how much they can actually gain. It is IMPOSSIBLE to gain weight if you eat less than the minimum required to sustain life, even those...
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    voters will blame GOP if default

    Wait, do you realize that Bush increased 7 times? And that GOP voted to increase the ceiling... 19 times! GOP is a hypocrite.
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    Obama already raised more than GOP

    Re-election is more than a year away but amazingly, Obama already raised more funds than all GOP candidates *combined*. "Obama’s total dwarfs the amount raised by Republican Mitt Romney, who with $18.5 million led the field of candidates vying to take on the president. In fact, the...
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    voters will blame GOP if default

    Certainly good news for Democrats :) "A plurality of registered voters said congressional Republicans are to blame in the event the debt ceiling is not raised in a poll conducted by Quinnipiac University from July 5-11. When asked to whom they would assign responsibility should the limit...
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    should parents lose custody of fat kids?

    The answer is ABSOLUTELY YES! Parents who let their kids get obese are clearly endangering their lives. There's NO excuse. Should Parents Lose Custody Of Super Obese Kids? : NPR Just think about it - once you become extremely morbidly obese, you will NEVER have the great body you once...
  9. N

    America's biggest teacher and principal cheating scandal unfolds in Atlanta

    You know, I think the standards are set too high for some students. Some students will NEVER be able to progress beyond 8th grade level. Their intellect is limited by their IQ. Just sayin...
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    Recieving Social Security Checks may be delayed in August

    As it turns out, Republican majorities voted to raise the U.S. debt ceiling seven times while George W. Bush sat in the Oval Office. (It should be noted, as Ezra Klein did, that party-line votes on debt ceiling increases tied to other legislation is not solely the province of the GOP.) As...
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    Recieving Social Security Checks may be delayed in August

    Don't those people understand that 1/3 of the deficits is due to tax cuts that Bush enacted?
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    Recieving Social Security Checks may be delayed in August

    truly, people who keep saying no increased taxes back to Clinton's tax rate when our deficit is soaring is just incredibly stupid.
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    New Australian law to make Muslims lift veils

    Two main reasons: I consider it a symbol of female oppression and I find it deaf-hostile. Sign languages depend on facial expressions for maximum contextual understanding.
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    New Australian law to make Muslims lift veils

    I've seen veiled women here in Austin, TX; personally, I find it very offensive.
  15. N

    Bechamann Signs Christian Sharia

    And they were better off being slaves.. yep.
  16. N

    Bechamann Signs Christian Sharia

    Not only that, it said, "Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African-American baby born after the election of the USA's first...
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    New Australian law to make Muslims lift veils

    It's not just Muslims - everyone MUST show their face to cop if asked. Do people in Islamic countries ID people's faces?
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    New Australian law to make Muslims lift veils

    Even this guy has to show his face!
  19. N

    Schools to Stop teaching Cursive!

    my handwriting is extremely inconsistent and cursive writing doesn't seem to be useful today as it was back then where everything is pretty much automated - typing, voice to text, text to voice, etc. Print is extremely clear and easy to read.