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  1. E

    research paper on deaf community

    You know, in grad school (and hell, college) I would have been slayed alive for doing research this way. It's very insulting to be questioned this way, to boot. Also it seems as if this person has no idea of how sexuality works in real life, nor any idea of how a Deaf community works. I...
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    Mosquito Repellent Plants

    The reason putting anything on a tick is bad is because it can make it barf back what it sucked out of you and it increases the chances you'll get a disease from the tick. Just use the physical method of pulling it out without squishing the body (which also makes the tick barf it back into...
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    SC DMV agrees to policy changes regarding transgender license photos

    The thing is, makeup is how this person presents herself most of the time. No one would say boo to biological female wearing makeup in a DL photo.
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    Mosquito Repellent Plants

    They didn't include the citronella geranium because it merely smells similar because it has some of the same essential oils. It has no mosquito warding properties and mosquitoes regularly land on it. It's also not a true citronella and that taxonomic designation is wrong.
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    Given the chance to choose between hearing and Deaf who would choose to remain Deaf?

    I went deaf, it was hard and frustrating. I do not want to experience the frustration I would have learning to be hearing again. It's not like having a CI transports you to instant hearing.
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    Convicted Sex Attacker Has His Testicles Removed In Prison

    Besides, it's in the UK. Most of the healthcare that people get is paid by the state regardless of who you are.
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    Pucker Up! Kissing Wolves in Norway

    Unfortunately, that's not how wolves work. After many generations of breeding wolves for the friendliest ones that want to be with humans, you get dogs. Until then, wolves do not do well in captivity with the expectation of behaving around humans and not going after their livestock or their pets.
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    How a Deaf Couple Had Their Baby Officially Registered with a Sign Name

    I can't remember the specifics but when this story came out I looked around and the guy chose to go by Tomato. I want to say his name is actually Tom but that's probably just my mind going to the most obvious name.
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    Do deaf people "hear" sounds in their heads?

    I was looking into causes of tinnitus and why a certain medication helps a friend of mine with her tinnitus. There's evidence that when the auditory cortical area in the brain gets damaged, there is cortical reorganization similar to phantom pain. The same area of the brain that was formerly...
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    Chimp knocks drone in Dutch zoo

    The branch was manipulated for a purpose. And no, the tool does not have to be fashioned. Apes stick twigs into termite mounds, wait for the termites to crawl on them and pull the twig out to eat the termites, they stick them in the long bones of other monkeys to get out the marrow, gorillas...
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    Pucker Up! Kissing Wolves in Norway

    Yeah, wolves are not domesticated dogs and simply raising the pups to adulthood doesn't turn them into dogs who are eager to be around people.
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    Why do Chinese people light candles to remember someones death?

    The candle is the spirit of the dead and the river is the journey to the spirit world. I'm assuming the paper lanterns are the same, with the candle the spirit of the dead and the air the journey. The boat and the lanterns are just a way to take the journey. I looked it up. The lanterns...
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    AxMen/Deadliest Catch/ etc etc.

    For the most part, Deadliest Catch is real. Some things were set up for the camera, like the captains talking over a burn barrel. They never did it before yet said it was always done, and it was never filmed nor talked about again. I think that some of the practical jokes were done for the...
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    Kansas Governor Sam Brownback Bans Cruises for Welfare Recipients in Sweeping Crackdo

    Money orders also cost money. Some places do it for free for the first one or two, but these people are now being penalized even more for paying larger bills. It's total bull****.
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    Chimp knocks drone in Dutch zoo

    That was actually a pretty nifty example of tool use by the chimp. The zoo was actually doing the filming and they weren't expecting the chimps to behave that way.
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    Kansas Governor Sam Brownback Bans Cruises for Welfare Recipients in Sweeping Crackdo

    Honestly, who cares how people spend their welfare money? This bill obviously doesn't care about people paying rent, because many pay in cash and they can only take out 25 bucks a day from an ATM. Not everyone can get to a bank easily. Not everyone can have enough credit to have a checking...
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    Pucker Up! Kissing Wolves in Norway

    There's a long history of non-rabid wolves attacking people. If you discount the wolf-dog hybrids and escaped captive wolves that number drops slightly. They normally would go after children (it's been found 90% of attacks are on kids under 18), and second to that women which falls into...
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    Shark found lurking in Florida man's backyard

    Bull sharks actually get far beyond brackish water. They've been found way up the Potomac which isn't so surprising but also in Indiana in the Ohio and in Illinois in the Mississippi. Pretty much you can assume there might be a bull shark in any river that's big enough to swim in and provide...
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    I got a very strange mail from DMV????

    Speaking of taxes, we are taxed for rain. Yep, for rain. It's for rainwater runoff pollution and I'm paying nearly 100 bucks a year for that.
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    DMV/Police Placard Handed Out At ASL Class

    I would sit her down and ask her why she has this attitude towards you and your disability. I honestly could not go on in a relationship like that. If you feel the same, mention it to her.