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  1. Ziusudra

    Arrested for communication breakdown???

    That's crazy, all that fuss over a simple request of pen and paper. I've seen so many of my friends request that and people quickly catch on as to why they need it. It's a shame that people don't understand enough about deaf people.
  2. Ziusudra

    What makes you come back to a forum?

    Oh.. yeah, I created a games board, and a general chat board, a role playing board, books board as well as a Website link. Have a look at and see if there are any boards I could have that might interest a lot of people.
  3. Ziusudra

    What makes you come back to a forum?

    I'm interested in your views, what makes you want to keep coming back and post actively? I need more members who are interested in writing, science fiction and fantasy, movies and TV shows and things like that to come back and post more often. Lately, my members haven't been posting and I've...
  4. Ziusudra

    Tried to get in my yahoo account..

    I had some problems accessing yahoo a while back, it wouldn't show me the yahoo mail page. But I went back there again a few hours later and it was okay. It's possible it was just a server glitch not allowing you to login.
  5. Ziusudra

    James Cameron talks "Battle Angel"...

    Battle Angel Alita!? I didn't realise, this is a good thing, the DVDs of it are out of print. I can't wait to see this remake, I've been trying to see the anime for so long, and I can't download it.
  6. Ziusudra

    James Cameron talks "Battle Angel"...

    Hmm... Battle Angel? I'm not sure I've seen that one yet. But it sounds good, I wish more people would make live action movies based on anime/manga or at least make some good animated movies by some well known director so it gets more of an audience.
  7. Ziusudra

    A Cat's Christmas

    Aww that's so adorable! I love it!
  8. Ziusudra

    Mel gibson should create this movie (Star trek X the undiscovered galaxy)

    It sounds like an interesting story, you should do a small production yourself. For friends or something, if you want to.
  9. Ziusudra

    Greetings, I'm new...

    Hello there, welcome to AllDeaf. Hope you find this an enjoyable place.
  10. Ziusudra

    A science thread

    It's a pretty good idea. Science is interesting and I know a bit. It'd be good to educate other people who are interested in science as well.
  11. Ziusudra

    Favourite TV Show theme music?

    What is your favourite theme music from a TV Show? I like the X-Files theme music, so spooky and matches the show perfectly. I also love the Futurama one, so upbeat and again, matches the show. To me, a theme music has to sound good and match the mood of the show.
  12. Ziusudra

    Is anyone interested in reviews for a site?

    I'm currently designing a website dedicated to science fiction, fantasy, anime and games. It's not up online yet, but when it is finished, I'll let you know. If you are interested in submitting a review for any of the above things, please let me know. Any help with reviews would be appreciated...
  13. Ziusudra

    Are you afraid to fly?

    I don't really enjoy flying, it's too cramped and after seeing some movies where the plane crashes, I get a bit nervous. But I've been flying for years, and I'm more relaxed when flying, although it'll be my last option.
  14. Ziusudra

    Honey 'could help fight cancer'

    I've seen it around. I'm interesting in getting it as it looks nicer. It sure is expensive though lol.
  15. Ziusudra

    Movies on theater now...

    Lol. Christmas movies at Christmas time is always cool. Helps people get into the Christmas spirit! Although, now would be the best time to release things on DVD as people are looking for Xmas pressies.
  16. Ziusudra

    Pixar movie 'Cars' delay

    What is "Cars" about anyway? I've heard of their new movie, "The Incredibles" but I dunno what Cars is all about. Cars I assume, but how would that be fun for some kids? They're probably delaying the release for a good reason, not enough money, publicity or something.
  17. Ziusudra

    Some Say Reeve concentrated too much on the search for a cure.

    I believe he did an important thing in focusing for a cure. He may have done it for himself, but as he was in a wheelchair, he could sympathise with other people and understand their problems. People remember him as Superman, so having a celebrity face is even better, gives them more hope and...
  18. Ziusudra

    Honey 'could help fight cancer'

    That's good news... I love honey and to know that honey has some possible positive effects on your health is great news.
  19. Ziusudra

    Favorite car u like?

    My favourite car is the Camira! I own a couple and they're so cheap and fuel efficient. Not to mention great handling and pretty fast. I love my car, I'm selling it for a silver Executive Camira. The English version of the Camira is the Cavalier.
  20. Ziusudra

    Stupid Pet tricks.

    Lol, I tried to teach my cat some tricks but they didn't work. The only trick he ever learnt was knowing exactly what "biscuits" means... biscuits to him = dinner time. I used to shake the biscuit tins and say biscuit so he'd learn to recognise it. Sure enough he did, and soon we learnt NEVER to...