Pixar movie 'Cars' delay


New Member
Nov 16, 2003
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I heard about PIXAR announce us about movie "Cars" in November 2005, they have to delay till in Summer 2005. Why because they children does to school into the Fall time. They all children can off school the summer time. PIXAR say us. I am so sad about that. I haven't heard about next summer yet. We have to wait next 18 months longer! What?!?!?! I can't believe that. It like WB, and FOX did it before. Remember about Harry Potter 3 happen? WB announce that June 2003? What? Because it speical 2 times movie last year called Matix, that is why I reason what WB say us. I heard next year will be Indian Jone 4, Superman, Start wars part 3, and something I forgot.
Eh? Cars is being "delayed" from Fall to Summer? Don't you mean, that it's being pulled back?
What is "Cars" about anyway? I've heard of their new movie, "The Incredibles" but I dunno what Cars is all about. Cars I assume, but how would that be fun for some kids?

They're probably delaying the release for a good reason, not enough money, publicity or something.
Ziusudra said:
What is "Cars" about anyway? I've heard of their new movie, "The Incredibles" but I dunno what Cars is all about. Cars I assume, but how would that be fun for some kids?

They're probably delaying the release for a good reason, not enough money, publicity or something.

It has nothing to do with the money or publicity. The reason is, movies generate more money in the summertime most of the times. Finding Nemo was released in May of 2003 and it generated at least 300 million dollars making it the highest grossing Pixar film of all time. I doubt it has anything to do with lack of funding. Pixar is filthy rich and their string of success hasn't been broken.
Ziusudra said:
What is "Cars" about anyway? I've heard of their new movie, "The Incredibles" but I dunno what Cars is all about. Cars I assume, but how would that be fun for some kids?
I heard the rumor that the movie was originally titled 'Route 66' but changed to 'Cars' instead for some reason. I am not sure if it is true or not. I believe it is a adventure on Route 66 or story about Route 66.

Edit: Never mind. I am right about the rumor. Check this: http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0317219/
Magatsu said:
I heard the rumor that the movie was originally titled 'Route 66' but changed to 'Cars' instead for some reason. I am not sure if it is true or not. I believe it is a adventure on Route 66 or story about Route 66.

Edit: Never mind. I am right about the rumor. Check this: http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0317219/

You have a sharp mind. Yes, I remember it being titled Route 66 when they first announced it. The reason why they changed the title was to not cause any confusion with the TV series, Route 66.
what's the big deal when they decided to ship it to summer instead? it's actually earlier than the fall release... so I like that idea better because most movies were seen during the summer than the rest of the other seasons when there's no school for the kids anyway.

for example, spider-man 2 beated the budget over the matrix triogloy when it was released on June 30th, afew days before the 4th of July so spider-man 2 was actually going insane on the 4th of July holiday, though.
VamPyroX said:
Eh? Cars is being "delayed" from Fall to Summer? Don't you mean, that it's being pulled back?

Yes, it true! Why? Because Pixar told us that they had Children does to school in Fall 2005. They was stuck. So, Pixar decide to move to Summer 2006. But now Pixar told us that there is nothing new movie for Pixar 2005 yet. Pixar hope to find out more information as soon.