James Cameron talks "Battle Angel"...

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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James Cameron, one of the most acclaimed directors along with Steven Speilberg and George Lucas, has plans on adapting "Battle Angle" based on the Japanese anime series and manga. James Cameron directed and produced such films like "Aliens", "Terminator 2", and of course "Titanic".

Here's the article:

Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's one of my favorite animes so far! I hope the 3D remake wont look bad. I'd prefer a live remake, though.
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I would perfer to see it computer animated than live action anyway.

because most movies based on games didn't work out as most people hoped, so perhas similar thing to anime, proably won't work out well if it was done as a live action film though.

about three years ago I've heard that 20th century fox have the rights to the Dragon Ball Z license and would proably perform that film as a live action flick too.

to me, I would rather have it computer animated also.
What about Matrix or Buffy The Vampire Slayer TV series? Those are based on anime/manga. I am saying, anime is so mainstreamed that making live action films would be good, too.
Deaf258 said:
What about Matrix or Buffy The Vampire Slayer TV series? Those are based on anime/manga. I am saying, anime is so mainstreamed that making live action films would be good, too.
Let's look at the action on those shows. How complex were the moves and weapons? Not complicated... but interesting. If you read the comic books and watched the movies, you'll realize that Battle Angel is going to have a lot of serious and complicated action... something difficult to duplicate with actual physical moves.
The movie has the potential of revolting Hollywood due to its unqiue concept and how it is planned to be made.
Banjo said:
The movie has the potential of revolting Hollywood due to its unqiue concept and how it is planned to be made.
What do you mean?
Deaf258 said:
What about Matrix or Buffy The Vampire Slayer TV series? Those are based on anime/manga. I am saying, anime is so mainstreamed that making live action films would be good, too.
erm...I never knew of such thing that the Matrix or Buffy would be based on the anime series...?

if you have proof, I would like to see them, please.

and if you are talking about "animatrix", then yeah that anime was based on the matrix movies but the matrix movies came out as live action, first...so I dunno...I've heard that the Matrix stories first started out in 1995 before the film was released, but I wasn't sure who the author was...perhas he was japanese? who knows? The Matrix was pretty much similar to animes like Ghost in the Shell, Armitage III, and even Akira...but I just never hear or read anywhere that the Matrix series was based on the anime/manga series.

Same thing for Buffy and I always thought it was american made and no offense but the TV series pretty much sucked...lol but andrew (my brother) likes watching it because of Sarah Michelle Gellar anyway :roll:
Let me clear it up a little more.. "Based on anime/manga concepts".. I was watching a Sarah Michelle Gellar interview and it talked about the Buffy series being based on a manga but didn't go into deeper detail.. I wont be surprised if it was really from a manga bec look at Tenchi Muyo and KOR. They have that group of friends always helping each other solve problems.

P.S. I know you liked Sarah Michelle Gellar. Only the guys who really like her use her full name!! :naughty:
Hmm... Battle Angel? I'm not sure I've seen that one yet. But it sounds good, I wish more people would make live action movies based on anime/manga or at least make some good animated movies by some well known director so it gets more of an audience.
Ziusudra said:
Hmm... Battle Angel? I'm not sure I've seen that one yet. But it sounds good, I wish more people would make live action movies based on anime/manga or at least make some good animated movies by some well known director so it gets more of an audience.

It's kinda old anime, but one of the best stories I have ever come across. So far, they have one episode (that I know of) and the rest are in manga format.
Deaf258 said:
It's kinda old anime, but one of the best stories I have ever come across. So far, they have one episode (that I know of) and the rest are in manga format.
Yep, the movie is about an hour long and equals to about one set of comic books that it's based on. The comic books goes on beyond the movie. The main character, Alita, goes "away" to find her true purpose and comes across many different interesting character and uncovering many truths. The end of the whole thing is actually very interesting. I have the whole thing on comic books. ;)
Battle Angel Alita!? I didn't realise, this is a good thing, the DVDs of it are out of print. I can't wait to see this remake, I've been trying to see the anime for so long, and I can't download it.
Sorry guys (and gals)... I found Battle Angel Alita animea boring and disappointed anime to watch.. *prepare to build a defense from attackers :x*

However I found manga (Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm) a very entertaining and fascinating to read. I am a hardcore Alita/Gunnm fanboy. I am very exciting when Yukito Kishiro works on new 'sequel' of Battle Ange Alita again (it is called 'Battle Angel Alita - Last Order'... I have all four new volumes and new volumes will come out in the future). Alita is my first manga to read when I was a young hence my passionate love for it.

Anyway, about James Cameron, I sure hope that he will not screw it up or I will hate him eternally. It does sound appealing though.
Aw yea! I saw this on action channel and I gotta say its awesome. Im amaze of the artwork and action scene.
New Update on James Cameron's Battle Angel:

Director James Cameron told SCI FI Wire that his next fictional film will be a live-action/computer-animated SF movie based on the Japanese manga Battle Angel Alita. "We're in preproduction now on a movie called Battle Angel, which is based on a Japanese manga series of graphic novels by an artist named Yukito Kishiro," Cameron said in an interview. "It's not in the sort of top 10 of graphic novels in Japan; it's a lesser-known one. And we're going to make Battle Angel over the next couple of years and release it in '07."

Cameron said that the futuristic story focuses on both drama and action. "It's a father-daughter relationship story that just has the most insane action that you can imagine," Cameron said. "The story takes place 300 years after a societal collapse caused by a major war, but in that society it's a technological dark age following a pinnacle of achievement far, far beyond where we are right now. In a sense it's post-apocalyptic, but it's post-apocalyptic from a very high level. Cyborg technology is just a way of life. [Alita,] the main character, is a cyborg. She has an organic human brain, and she looks like she's about 14 years old. She has a completely artificial body, and she's lost her memory. She's found in this wreckage , and she's reconstituted by this guy who is a cyber-surgeon, who becomes her kind of surrogate father. It will be PG-13: lots of blood, but it's all blue."

Cameron added that the film will combine several stories from the original comic-book series into one. "It's a bit of a melange of the first three books," Cameron said. "It pulls forward the 'motorball' story into the 'Ido, Alita, Hugo' story, if you will." Cameron said that the film will use both live-action and computer-generated characters. "Live action and CG mixed, meaning we will build sets, we'll shoot with actors, and we'll have CG characters. Alita will be CG. She'll be performed by an actress, but what you see in the film will be CG."

Source: http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire2005/index.php?category=0&id=30149

Cameron will add the motorball story? SWEET. I am curious how he will do with three manga volumes into one movie...

imdb link: http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0437086/...lIEFuZ2VsfGh0bWw9MXxubT1vbg__;fc=3;ft=20;fm=1
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Magatsu said:
New Update on James Cameron's Battle Angel:

Director James Cameron told SCI FI Wire that his next fictional film will be a live-action/computer-animated SF movie based on the Japanese manga Battle Angel Alita. "We're in preproduction now on a movie called Battle Angel, which is based on a Japanese manga series of graphic novels by an artist named Yukito Kishiro," Cameron said in an interview. "It's not in the sort of top 10 of graphic novels in Japan; it's a lesser-known one. And we're going to make Battle Angel over the next couple of years and release it in '07."

Cameron said that the futuristic story focuses on both drama and action. "It's a father-daughter relationship story that just has the most insane action that you can imagine," Cameron said. "The story takes place 300 years after a societal collapse caused by a major war, but in that society it's a technological dark age following a pinnacle of achievement far, far beyond where we are right now. In a sense it's post-apocalyptic, but it's post-apocalyptic from a very high level. Cyborg technology is just a way of life. [Alita,] the main character, is a cyborg. She has an organic human brain, and she looks like she's about 14 years old. She has a completely artificial body, and she's lost her memory. She's found in this wreckage , and she's reconstituted by this guy who is a cyber-surgeon, who becomes her kind of surrogate father. It will be PG-13: lots of blood, but it's all blue."

Cameron added that the film will combine several stories from the original comic-book series into one. "It's a bit of a melange of the first three books," Cameron said. "It pulls forward the 'motorball' story into the 'Ido, Alita, Hugo' story, if you will." Cameron said that the film will use both live-action and computer-generated characters. "Live action and CG mixed, meaning we will build sets, we'll shoot with actors, and we'll have CG characters. Alita will be CG. She'll be performed by an actress, but what you see in the film will be CG."

Source: http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire2005/index.php?category=0&id=30149

Cameron will add the motorball story? SWEET. I am curious how he will do with three manga volumes into one movie...

imdb link: http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0437086/...lIEFuZ2VsfGh0bWw9MXxubT1vbg__;fc=3;ft=20;fm=1
so he's saying that the movie will be sorta like "final fantasy : the spirts within"? though the people in the film sure do look quite real, but they are actually CG animated characters...it sure looks pretty cool.
Steel said:
so he's saying that the movie will be sorta like "final fantasy : the spirts within"? though the people in the film sure do look quite real, but they are actually CG animated characters...it sure looks pretty cool.
He have to. LoL.

Alita's fighting ability is way above super-human level. It is virtually impossible for non-CGI/special effects to re-create Alita and her moves. I gather that it does make sense that they have to use CGI to create Alita, a character to enable them to re-create her moves.

Edit: Plus to that, I am so exciting that James will insert the motorball story in the movie because of my favorite character, Jashugan. He rocks.. and he is the first and last who can beat Alita in fighting bout (without weapons or anything else).

Well, at least I hope James will add a character, Jashugan...
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