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  1. hurleysrus

    Know Your Rights - Transgender People and the Law

    No you did not back it with anything but your opinion. Say I was born 100% female, then had genetic testing done in my 20's and found out I carry male chromosomes.... are you saying I am not natural? I gave birth to 4 kids, was born female so why do I carry male chromosomes IN MY DNA?
  2. hurleysrus

    Anyone watching the winter olympics?

    It agree, and NBC has gotten ALOT of flack over their coverage
  3. hurleysrus

    Know Your Rights - Transgender People and the Law

    Transsexualism [ Part I ]
  4. hurleysrus

    Know Your Rights - Transgender People and the Law

    Can you back up your claim that its a choice? No, cuz that quit being "fact" many years ago
  5. hurleysrus

    Know Your Rights - Transgender People and the Law

    What Causes People to Be Transgender? Many health experts believe that being transgender isn't caused by one single thing. They believe it's the result of a complex mixture of biology, psychology, and environmental factors — and not simply a matter of choice. Not against nature!
  6. hurleysrus

    Know Your Rights - Transgender People and the Law

    Haha, and homophones don't want gays in the bathroom cuz they might be checking them out... haha.... jokes on you cuz unless they told you, you probably wouldn't know. You wannause my bathroom be my guest. I don't care what gender you are or want to be just don't kill me. Where is the problem...
  7. hurleysrus


    This is a picture my dad hung in his living room for the 32 years I was missing!/photo.php?fbid=155746657785376&id=100000501294510&set=a.155746457785396.32202.100000501294510&source=43] This is the tattoo...
  8. hurleysrus


    I thought this was awesome.... Or if it doesn't show
  9. hurleysrus

    i was told ASL is too complicated......

    I think ASL seems to be less contradictory then English
  10. hurleysrus

    i was told ASL is too complicated......

    I was told learning ASL was too complicated, this is the response I sent back...... Dumbest Grammatical Mistakes People Always Make - Who's vs. Whose - Dumb as a Blog on
  11. hurleysrus

    do you know what caused you to not hear?

    My loss is mixed also, and I have BAHA' left ear had an acoustic neuroma that was ignored by foster parents for years. The symptoms were blame on attention seeking. My right ear was from a combo of my mother damaging by slaps and cleaning ear with paper clips. Dr.s gave up trying to repair...
  12. hurleysrus

    Talk about some terrible stuff right here holy crap!

    OK... people suck, picking on a kid. That being said, why does a 5 y/o have an instagram and twitter?
  13. hurleysrus

    Mother testifies in waterboarding trial

    Mother testifies in waterboarding trial Republican American — A former Delaware pediatrician accused of waterboarding his female companion's daughter by holding her face under a faucet terrorized the girl for several years and exercised total control over her...
  14. hurleysrus

    do you know what caused you to not hear?

    Are you Deaf or HOH, were you born this way or what was the reason? How old were you when it happened, was it sudden or happen over time? Tell me are you like me.
  15. hurleysrus

    Deaf kids in foster care?

    I was HOH foster kid, but not a happy experience if that's what your looking for
  16. hurleysrus

    Ptsd ?

    At first I thought I had PTSD but was diagnosed with acquired anxiety disorder... I almost never go out, too panicky over not knowing what's going on
  17. hurleysrus

    For parents of children with aids/!

    I still "fake it" why can't I stop nodding yes even when I have no idea what is said?
  18. hurleysrus


    I know that battle, I became deaf end as an adult and my daughter is slowly losing hers. ASL classes aren't affordable for us. I have multiple petitions for ASL to be taught in school.... I mean they teach French and German, I think ASL is more benificial
  19. hurleysrus

    Your AD name, why?

    Because my last name is Hurley and I have four wonderful kids, we are like a pack, without them I am only one but with them we are an us......
  20. hurleysrus

    Where to send our HOH kids?

    She is mainstreamed, have you every tried to keep 7 different teachers to use accommodations? Looked into magnet program but as we are an hour from DSD, they say its not possible.