Search results

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    LinuxGold's getting married!

    CONGRATULATIONS, scott and debi! thats most exciting moment of your life and next the baby linux! we're hoping to see you two again someday :)
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    Hard Question

    i voted osama bin laden, god forbid he'd be my dad. so i can tell on USA to get him. ;) wouldnt it be nice to get him caught?
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    here's my BIGGEST freakiest vent out....

    steel, no of course not. it was mostly about job and i felt hopeless and helpless most of time. thanks for understanding about my weirdness, fly! i like my job, i dont love it. people sometimes just mistreat me and i complained to my CFO, he doesnt want to deal with it. even though i was...
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    here's my BIGGEST freakiest vent out....

    :inhale:....I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU, PEOPLE! I HATE YOU, WORLD! I HATE YOU, UNIVERSE! :exhale:..... whew! thats all i need to vent because i havent got to get it out that enough. i had a break-down today. i screamed to top out of my lungs as i could when i was on the way to home from work...
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    What's your color hair now?

    100% natural brownishy
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    Cities A to Z

    and finally.... my home town east northport, ny
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    What is your fave color??

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    lazy sunday

    was not feeling well all weekend, got to rest up before work tomorrow :)
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    Cities A to Z

    albany, ny
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    Some Deaf People Ask for Money

    i just remember now, this happened to me in nyc and l.a. in nyc, my friends and i asked the guy if he knew sign language, he mumbled, shrugged and tried to convince us to buy cards in gestures. we ingored him and walked away. in l.a., mexcian people passed out note on cards first at the mall...
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    Some Deaf People Ask for Money

    last week my boss told me about her vacation in maryland. she went on boardwalk with family and two deaf people went up to them tried to sell her the abc's cards for a dollar. she signed and asked them if they were really deaf, they were like "you know sign?" in sign language, she nodded and...
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    Cities A to Z

    redhook, brooklyn, ny
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    Cities A to Z

    valley stream, long island, ny :) the very first "v" in ny came on my mind.
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    Waardenburg Syndrome

    check out this old thread: ;)
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    i voted no. 1) allowing lurkers to view will help them to make better decision to join. they would know there are many topics they'd like to talk about or in need of advices. thats why AD is having estimated more than 3-5 members registered per day (i guessed) 2) google and all other search...
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    Type of your residence

    suburb here. hopefully, inner city one day!
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    Has anyone ever...

    mm, cant remember if i had a problem with knob. but what you said up here about something woke me up when i was half asleep. years ago, my old dog was brown, so was the carpet used to be brown. he always slept on the carpet right front of my bedroom door. at nighttime, it was so dark i didnt...
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    Another games "Question & Answer"

    seafoods whatcha doing this weekend?
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    I Have an Announcement

    oh darn i think ive just missed it. was on the way to home during the time and got jammed in a traffic. i hope someone took a screenshot of it! congratulations, you guys! it was an awesome idea!
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    Run for your lives, Mt. St. Helens is back!

    ah this is so cool, i visited up there like 5 years ago. i got scared when i zoomed my camcorder into the crater and there was a small steam coming out of there. eek. whats more fun-- wanna see when it erupts? go to see a live webcam! -->