Some Deaf People Ask for Money


New Member
Apr 23, 2003
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I was wonder do you even hear some deaf people knock on poeple 's door and ask for money ?

Well it happen here in few weeks ago

My sister in law and my next door "s son told about one deaf man knock on thirs door and ask for money I was really shock when they told me.
I think it so DUMB to knock poeple 's door and ask for money. And i told them never give them money just say you don't have money . that all i can say to them they ask me why I don't do that I told them for what ? I think to dumb to do that.
never heard of that incident -- altho we all should keep in mind to NEVER give money to anyone who comes to the door asking for money!
Oh my god. That bad idea... I have one before. When I saw the woman is deaf ask my dad have some money. My dad say no to them. I think what they need some money for drug...I am not sure...
last week my boss told me about her vacation in maryland. she went on boardwalk with family and two deaf people went up to them tried to sell her the abc's cards for a dollar. she signed and asked them if they were really deaf, they were like "you know sign?" in sign language, she nodded and they walked away really quickly. tsk tsk.
Fly Free said:
altho we all should keep in mind to NEVER give money to anyone who comes to the door asking for money!

Except bbnt, of course. Have a heart--he's still trying to put his sister through electrolysis school. :mrgreen:
I was at Navy Pier in Chicago few weeks ago and this old lady with nice looking clothes came to us twice with ABC cards. We were tempted to sign to her, "get a real job!" But we were too nice, we declined the ABC card and kept on walking.

Deaf peddlers degrades deaf people's image. That's sad.
That reminds me of what happened years ago at the mall I was at. I was with my parents at the mall eating in the food court. One guy came up to us and offered to sell us ILY pins for $5. He had a card explaining that he was deaf and was raising money to help his poor family. My dad dared me to sign to him. I then signed, "Hi, what is your name? What are you selling these for?" The guy shrugged and handed me another pin, followed by a sad face. My dad then said, "Nice try!" and gave the pins back. Hehehe! Looks like he was :Owned:
Yes, in Kent, England, my father told me in a deaf lady wearing a t-shirt with RNID logo on it knock his door asking for donate RNID charity money last month.
Yeah, I tell my family and friends to never give any Deaf people money at the door. I advised them to yell or sign, "Get a job!" and slam the door in their faces. ;)
Hey, careful... some "Deaf peddlers" aren't deaf at all!! These peple actually are part of the stereotype of Deafies. A few times I encountered these individuals... I usually sign to them... one of them (a lady) actually responded and chatted with me, and then she offered the pencil to me for free... so cool! That's nice of her, but usually I'm very skepical about those individuals.
I had expereince in Labrador City. One man from Ontario and ask me for money. He sell the pens. My mom was sign to him, he was :shock: and waiting for me to front of him. I told him I was attending Newfoundland School for the Deaf to keep education for my future job or etc. He was said nothing and miy mom give money to him. I told her not do never again. She won't do again in the future. and somehow my mom call next door to not give money to them. I against for that. it is bad idea.
If I meet a peddler in public, I would sign to him/her, but give no money. Most of them are a scam.

If anyone (Deaf or hearing) comes to my door that I don't recognize or expect, then I don't answer the door. These days it is too dangerous to open the door to strangers. Door peepholes are a wonderful invention.
I dunno if it ever happened to me but one time when I was at the airport and this guy came up to me with a card that say ' Help me I'm deaf and mute and at the bottom it say God Bless you ' and I signed to him, he didn't sign back so I thought at first maybe he doesn't know any signs so I gave him 5 dollars because I didn't have anymore dollar bills left...then he gave me a flag pin...

So, I dunno whether or not it was a scam....

I always seem to have hearing people coming at my door step for things that they were selling, the only thing I ever brought from them were girl's scout cookies or anything that was related for any school programs etc....

The only people who ever asked me for money were homeless people....
I have had my share of deaf peddlers, especially in New York City, Newark and Paris.

Sometimes deaf peddlers are a part of an illegal underground network. Some underground boss bring deaf people from another country and have them sell these cards for them. The deaf people are cramped into small apartments and not allowed outside at all, unless they are peddling cards. In NYC, they caught the Mexican family who was leading this ring, and the sad part was that a member of this Mexican family was a deaf woman. One would think that a deaf woman would discourage such a behaviour, but I guess not. In Paris, a lot of these people come from countries like Romania.

I have signed to these people in the past. One young boy signed back to me, asking if I was deaf and I said yeah. He then went away. Other times, especially in Paris, my friend knew the person who was peddling the card, but we said nothing. We just continued our conversation, ignoring the situation. He looked at us like he knew we didn't approve but said nothing.
Oh yeah, I remember another story. It was before 9/11 where all airports allowed everyone past the security checkpoint. Anyway, I was at Newark International Airport waiting for my flight. I saw this old lady selling pencil from person to person at the gate and when she got closer to me, I saw it was a "I love you" in sign language pencil. I got up and walked to different place so she wouldn't get by to me.

Somehow I feel bad for some of the peddlers. They just don't get the opportunity to experience or realize the joy of being able to work in real world. I would consider all of us who attend school and try our best to get a degree and good paying job lucky compared to peddlers.
i just remember now, this happened to me in nyc and l.a. in nyc, my friends and i asked the guy if he knew sign language, he mumbled, shrugged and tried to convince us to buy cards in gestures. we ingored him and walked away.
in l.a., mexcian people passed out note on cards first at the mall food court, it explained about the deaf people who needs to make money and give out american flags in honor of 9/11. then they returned to ask each people if they'd want to buy one. i asked them if they knew sign language, they happen to know but it seemed like either they have learned recently or they were hearings. told them, no thanks and they gave me attitudes.
e said:
i just remember now, this happened to me in nyc and l.a. in nyc, my friends and i asked the guy if he knew sign language, he mumbled, shrugged and tried to convince us to buy cards in gestures. we ingored him and walked away.
in l.a., mexcian people passed out note on cards first at the mall food court, it explained about the deaf people who needs to make money and give out american flags in honor of 9/11. then they returned to ask each people if they'd want to buy one. i asked them if they knew sign language, they happen to know but it seemed like either they have learned recently or they were hearings. told them, no thanks and they gave me attitudes.
That's exactly what happened to me. It was a mexican who did that to my family at the mall. :crazy:
I know the feeling about deaf asking for money . One time a guy from Washington came down to visit me and He brought no money at all. I had to spend money on him for almost a week. he wanted a relationship with me Heck why would I Wanna have a relationship with a guy who brought no money down with him when visiting me. I also gave him money for something to eat on the train back home where he lives. I never talked to him again cuz when he got one line he started talking bad about me and said that I used him because, I didn't want a relationship with him.. After all that money I have spend on him and he thought I was using him? what the heck did that came from...I felt like he took advantage of my kindness.:(
How about people do not give fair amount of money back?

Here is a story that happened to my mom. We have a deaf family lives just around the corner. One day my mom was driving home from somewhere and saw the father of that family on side of road not too far from his home. She pulled over to see if he's ok. Well, he ran out of gas so my mom offered to help him out. He told my mom to get something like 5 dollars worth of gas and my mom was more than happy to help. She went to the gas station and she sudden realized she need a tank to fill the gas in. So she bought a cheap plastic tank and the total cost reached 9 dollars.

When she got back to this guy and told him the final cost because of tank. That guy said something like... "nope, only five dollars" and handed her 5 dollars bill and drove off.

When she got home, she was upset on his unkindness and rudeness that she actually yelled on me. :| She assume that I will end up like him because of my deafness and people who I hang out with. I explained to her that not all deaf people are like that but she doesn't quite accept that.

So the moral of this story, treat other with fairness and kindness because deaf people's image can be tarnished easily.
Now I remember last march when I arrived in Dallas from Okla City en route to Lubbock (change buses), anyways when I got on new bus to get to Witcha Falls, TX, a deaf mexican lady came in and sold everyone on bus a key chain. I forget what the card say but she said to support Dallas Deaf Club, so I gave her $2.00 for souvenir from TX. My friends didnt buy from her, but few on bus did. Anyone from Dallas Deaf Club here know her? I forget what her name was but told me thats to support Dallas Deaf Club, is that true??