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    Who have you met????

    aw :-/ i wish i could meet them, i was out of state for the weekend! well, at least malfoyish is still around here hehe
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    Big Hello, anyone from Ohio?

    funny i just got back from ohio last late night. i was visiting relatives nearby columbus. I LOVE THAI ICED TEA! did you try it with tapioca balls? :beer:
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    Show your pet's x-mas spirit!

    here's my little pipsqueaky modeled for xmas. cute, isnt he?? sorry, hes not interested in girls, hes gay. lol
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    Nap time, healthy time for your mental?

    how often do you nap? does nap time actually helped you mentally? what would you do if you're tired, nap or prevent tiredness til your bed time? when i was in high school, i often napped right after school and even before or after work almost daily. i was always tired as hell, thus it led...
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    Dream Car/SUV/Truck

    mmm, ive got what i wanted with my present income. a 2002 civic ex, very satisfying car! if i make more than what i have now, maybe i would like to either own a beetle or lease the SL500. yeah, im a small person and i like cute small cars! ;) Civic: you've seen it everywhere. Beetle...
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    Nanny Cam: To tell or Not to tell?

    Ive read an article about parents' tough decision weither they should feel safe to let the nanny know they've had set hidden cams. Also, people argued weither its ethical or unethical, by taking advantage the new techonology. I'd like to see parents and non-parents' beliefs and feelings on...
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    Foreign language course, How does that works?

    thanks for the feedbacks and ideas, guys! heres the idea to take course, the counselor said we can make a special request to the dean for independant study. so the dean will find a professor whos willing and available to do one on one. exam and works will be discussed with professor after this...
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    i heard greyhound is one of those best pet dogs. theyre great with people, children, and other pets. unfortunately, too many people had no idea because they only knew greyhound is reputed as race dog. i remember i saw an interview on TV that they were discussing to get the goverment to sign for...
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    like your job?

    perhaps youd like to meet up with some deaf people who are into filmmaking. there were some in NYC and L.A that i know of.
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    Honey 'could help fight cancer'

    mmm, thanks for the info. this is something i can let my mother know about. its a good thing that almost all of my relatives love honey but we still get cancer. actually, cancer runs in the family. :-/ maybe we should eat honey more often lol
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    A cure in paralysis?

    Scientists Reverse Paralysis in Dogs INDIANAPOLIS -- Dogs with paralyzed hind legs regained the ability to walk after getting a shot of a chemical cousin of antifreeze that helped repair nerve cells in their damaged spinal cords, scientists reported. Purdue University researchers who led...
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    Hey Guys Thought These Pic Are Cute

    nope, i wish!
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    Hey Guys Thought These Pic Are Cute

    :imitating lion:
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    Foreign language course, How does that works?

    ive been thinking about taking a foreign class at college. i have discussed with a counselor once and said it was almost impossible to set the interpreter with no knowlegde of langauge. so there was an idea to do one on one with professor, also almost impossible because of their hour and salary...
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    ATTN: DelicPumpkPie

    i think ive tried pumpkin ice cream from TCBY's it was amaaaaazing! i have tried the muffin, also amaaaaaazing! lol
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    How Popular Is Your Name? :)

    name's elyse 1900's >1000 1910's >1000 1920's >1000 1930's >1000 1940's >1000 1950's 853 1960's >1000 1970's >1000 1980's 453 1990's 746
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    ATTN: DelicPumpkPie

    hi noobie your username has grab my attention..... I heart pumpkin pie, i hail from the month of november. btw, have you tried pumpkin cheesecake that made by cheesecake factory? best pumpkin-cheesecake evar! :thumb:
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    Scary Interpreter

    forgot to add the dress style on my interpreter from first post i made, she worn torned black stocking, yeah big holes. :ugh: sure ive had some cool bean interpreters, some of them ended up my "2nd mom" when i had them for years. others were a punk with spunky outfits and a mixed chinese who...
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    What Jobs did you have while growing up?

    14- p/t off-book paid summer job at an office 16-17 or 18- p/t stock clerk at a supermarket 20-present- f/t general office works at a payroll company. reports, investigations and payrolls.
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    Real Ghost Sighting Caught on Film

    @&*#%$&#^!!! :mad2: im gonna have a nightmare!