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  1. Rampratt

    CI- Cochlear America kit

    I think with a little time you will be very happy. I have had my second one activated about a month now and getting better every day. Don't think I'm quite were I was with HA and CL but close now. Wont be long until it is much better. Just don't expect too much at first. I got the tan/skin...
  2. Rampratt

    A little tip for hearing better with a CI

    Good tip Ron and it will also work with most any android fone as well. Just got the new HTC lightning and it will work very well with that. Also find that I can now use that phone up to my CI and talk normally on the phone. Get about 95% comprehension as far as I can tell. Still working and...
  3. Rampratt


    I don't think its wise to wait. Let them know as soon as possible. If they tell you to wait then you will have something to go one if there is a problem later on. Make sure you keep a good record. Good Luck
  4. Rampratt

    cochlear implant testimony

    It will be interesting to see what happens to me as I get my second one turned on Tuesday and I've been doing quite well with just the one for the last month or so. Before that had HA and CI for a year or so. I guess time will tell. Good luck and I think the one that suggested you try just one...
  5. Rampratt

    CI without Processor

    Hi Ron; I'm thinking that yes it is possible. As I understand it, everything that goes into the internal processor is passed through the skin inductively, I.E. like a transformer. Example, many years ago I was up at Arlington on the mountain with the big transmitter, 5K driver and two of them...
  6. Rampratt

    Hi, hard of hearing girl!

    hi hard of hearing girl; Many will probably disagree with my comments, and that is their prerogative, but from my point of view not knowing how long you have worn aids etc. I would recommend talking to your audi and see if you qualify for an implant. I wore aids for over 50 years...
  7. Rampratt

    Hearing Girl, Looking for Advice.

    hellos245 I passed your email address along to my daughter in Kent. Hopefully she will have some info for you. Good luck
  8. Rampratt

    Hearing Girl, Looking for Advice.

    hellos245; My daughter has worked with hard of hearing kids in school and she may know more about the schools in the Seattle area. She is in Kent. If you like I can give you her email address and you can contact her. Or you can give me yours and I can have her contact you. She is not hearing...
  9. Rampratt

    why magnet for implant?

    The magnetic coupling is so far the best and least expensive way to hold the two components in alignment/close proximity. Remember some are over hair etc. and different head shapes. That is necessary in order to hold size and battery life of components as small as possible. If we move...
  10. Rampratt

    Hiya everyone,I'm new to the forum.

    Hello Mike; When you say cycling I assume you mean motor type? and just so you don't feel like the old man, I've got you beat by 9 years :) Also like cycling, have a gold wing with about 118,000 miles on it and still going strong. Welcome to the site. Dick
  11. Rampratt

    Can someone please explain CIs to me?

    I'll stick my two cents in here and say I agree with RonJ all the way. Nucleus 5 do say that you can go swimming but not diving and if you accidentally drop it in the pool, get it out and dry it off and keep on using? Also say you can get in shower but not to let water stream directly on...
  12. Rampratt

    Zebadee's Activation.

    (HOWEVER: you are having major problem with noise at this point because you were only deaf for 2 months, you will need a lot of time to grasp on mixing noise with other sounds, a thing that is a piece of cake for us, hard of hearing people and this is OUR advantage on YOU, I was in your shoe...
  13. Rampratt

    New digitals

    Originally Posted by rweigle I'm a 55+ year HA user. I understand the Phonaks, like the Nadia's, I am trying now are very linear in its algorithim for sound processing, hence it duplicates the analog "sound." I didn't like earlier versions of digitals from 10 years ago and my last set, phonas...
  14. Rampratt

    CI and balance Issues

    Deb1hd I had exactly the same test before my first CI last year. Today I saw the Dr. and all he did was ask me if I had any balance problems after the last one. Said No and so he said most likely will not on this one. I go in for surgery Thursday morning for the second one on the left side...
  15. Rampratt

    Enough is Enough...

    Well, I grew up with a litte spending on my old HAs during my childhood and teenhood, yet I turned out okay. I don't believe in soundless have no meaning or signing/deafness is less important and unsafety than speaking/hearing. So I don't see how the deafness is not safety or less meaning for...
  16. Rampratt

    Zebadee's Activation.

    I can actually hear a lot. And understand a lot for that matter. My audiologist was very impressed with me. I went through her first 4 levels of speech understanding. And after the first day of activation I called my sister and was able to understand her.. So it's going really well. I would...
  17. Rampratt

    Enough is Enough...

    Well, here goes again! First going to steal Alicias post or part of it here. Ryancher- I believe jenny could direct you to maybe other parents of deaf children in your far as another online community I'm sure CI circle would be the best route because the parents there have gone...
  18. Rampratt

    Problems with cochlear implant

    Yes like everything else there are pluses and minuses and yes there are risks like most every thing else. You can step off a curb and get hit by a car so stuff happens. I had my first CI not quite a year ago and am due for my second one in a couple of months. I'm looking forward to it. I wore...
  19. Rampratt

    Faced with tough decision

    GREAT! He will progress fine with both implants. Think about it, when those with normal hearing are born they have no idea what the sounds are, just that they are sounds and they learn as they grow. A child with implants will also have no idea of sound but will also grow. Those with implants...
  20. Rampratt

    Another recall for AB

    I only had three to choose from and I chose Cochlear based on mainly two things. Time in business/manufacturing and ability to control both remotely and directly. I'm VERY happy with my choice. Also, so far only one that you can go swimming with or in the shower but admittedly, cant swim under...