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  1. butterflygal

    I have a question.

    What I believe in is people making their own choices about Cochlear Implants. What I disagree with is children getting it. Usually parents don't recieve full information and children usually have not had a chance to try out different worlds and see what they want. Why can't parents let...
  2. butterflygal

    Abusive Relationship

    Aww!! The stories sounds bad but I'm so happy it all had a happy ending for both Bullymom and Tweety!! :D I also was in two abusive relationships. One with my ex when I was younger and another with my soon to be ex husband. My first ex was physical and my ex husband was...
  3. butterflygal

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    Read very carefully!! Look at this sentence.. Any normal variety of plant foods provides more than enough protein for the body’s needs. Saying, most people usually get too much protein from eating meat that would cause various diseases. So when you eat plenty of vegetables you will get...
  4. butterflygal

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    Some people still worry about the ease with which a vegetarian diet can provide all essential nutrients. The fact is, it is very easy to have a well-balanced diet with vegetarian foods. Vegetarian foods provide plenty of protein. Careful combining of foods is not necessary. Any normal variety of...
  5. butterflygal

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    LOL.. Actually a vegetarian means not eating meat at all. Can eat veggies, tofu, nuts, all those healthy stuff. A meat eater means eating meat along with other veggies and stuff. Most people opt to be a vegetarian for various reasons. One is they think it is wrong to eat animals. Other...
  6. butterflygal


    Was in a hearing school til I was almost 11. Learned how to lipread but now I don't care for lipreading. If they want to talk to me, they can write to me.
  7. butterflygal

    crazy bride !!!

    Yeah. It's not uncommon for men from other countries and even women too to offer to pay to marry a canadian or an american citizen just so they can live here. I have been offered a few times by some men who lived in India. One of them even said that if I agreed to marry him then he would pay...
  8. butterflygal

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    WHere did it say vegetarians eat nuts only?? O_o We do eat lots of variety of food and I did get used to not eat meat and my taste buds have changed so no complaints. :D I can respect why people need to eat meat. Their choices. But spam????? :barf: Heh....
  9. butterflygal

    Abducted girls safe, suspect wounded

    Poor kids and mother!!! :( They didn't deserve any of this.
  10. butterflygal

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    Never thought... :|
  11. butterflygal

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    I love eel! Because it give you a nice center - ahhh.... I love black shark! Because it's neat to eat weird food! :barf: Those sound gross!! :P
  12. butterflygal

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    LOL!! I like that saying!! I'm a vegetarian as well. Not for a long time but long enough for me to think meat is totally gross. :barf: I decided to go vegetarian because I discovered the health risks assoicated with eating meat and I also discovered how animals were being treated and I...
  13. butterflygal

    Scott Peterson's lawyer argues for L.A. County trial

    I wonder if that movie will be showing in Canada at the same time or later...
  14. butterflygal

    Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

    And why do you choose to be a vegetarian or a meat eater?
  15. butterflygal

    Hangover Cures?

    One sure hangover cure is not to drink!! You won't get a hangover if you don't drink.. :P
  16. butterflygal

    Disciplining the children

    Are you sure they are totally fine? Have you interviewed every and each one of them? How do you know they turned out okay emotionally? My point is we don't know if they actually turned out okay. Maybe they learned how to be quiet in fear they would get beat up. That is how they learn...
  17. butterflygal

    Disciplining the children

    I don't spank my kids unless they did something dangerous. For example, running on the street. A tap on the bum scares them enough to realize that it is not safe. I usually try to talk to my kids and explain things and give them time outs.
  18. butterflygal

    This is scary and strange :-)

    My mom had her period for 6 months while pregnant with me. She found out she was pregnant with me pretty late because of her periods. I'm not surprised if it happened to other people.
  19. butterflygal

    Violence Pregnancy and children..

    No, she is not. She had some people helping her out get out of that relationship and she has someone wonderful now. For that awful guy, he is definitely out of the picture but sadly he has been abusing other girls. Forgot to add... She is of course sad that the baby is gone but she has...