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  1. G

    For the cigarette smokers and non-smokers too !!! Pass onto your family !!!!!

    I don't smoke, and I'm glad I don't smoke. I encourage my smoking friends to quit (if they're good friends), and one of them actually made it, but I don't hate them for it. I am reluctant to date someone who smokes, though, because I literally choke on cigarette smoke, and I'm not sure I'd like...
  2. G

    For the cigarette smokers and non-smokers too !!! Pass onto your family !!!!!

    Amen to that. My mom and dad did that. My mom even smoked when she was pregnant with my sister and me.
  3. G

    got a question for hearing

    Not only does it affect the volume, it also makes the sounds reflect differently (so it sounds slightly different at different angles). Different channels broadcast with different volumes. Around here, TV Land is quieter than the Hallmark channel, for example. Other channels blast the ads louder...
  4. G

    Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

    I'm pro-life. Abortion=killing. The only exception I have to this belief is if giving birth would kill the mother. Because adoption is a more ethical alternative--it gives the child a chance to live in a home where they are loved. 1. Not all pro-life people are men. Many are women too. Most of...
  5. G

    Should I get a CI with my hearing going still??

    Well, since you are a very good lipreader and a very good signer (you can understand most speech fine without your hearing aids in and without anyone making any sounds, which is amazing), you are in the ideal position--you have nothing to lose by going for it. You won't need to depend on it...
  6. G

    true perception of the hearing world?

    What does that have to do with my computer skills?
  7. G

    true perception of the hearing world?

    Good :thumb: I also don't think you're sucking up, but some people think you are. ;) I myself am glad I can both sign and speak 2 oral languages (English and Spanish). (So, people, I am NOT against oral speech, especially since I CHOSE to learn a second oral language...)
  8. G

    Alex or MODS, I got a question

    I stay away from forums like those.
  9. G

    How Long Do You Spend on ALLDEAF??

    Well, since I'm active on at least 5 different forums, and I rotate through them every couple of weeks, I can't really tell you. (If anyone sees a gnulinuxman with this avatar on another forum, it's probably me. ;))
  10. G

    10 Stingrays Killed Since Irwin's Death

    I bet he's watching these stingray-killers with disgust. :(
  11. G

    10 Stingrays Killed Since Irwin's Death

    :werd: Exactly. Buckdodgers, how on Earth would killing stingrays bring Steve back? Hmmm? It does more harm than good (if any good, that is).
  12. G

    Those who are pet lovers......

    I'm a cat lover. Don't really like dogs. I did have a hamster a couple of years ago, and he didn't last long enough. :(
  13. G

    10 Stingrays Killed Since Irwin's Death

    :gpost: Exactly.
  14. G

    Free stuff for college students ~college survival kit

    They definitely don't understand that asexuals exist... :roll:
  15. G

    I will not be creating anymore threads.

    How on Earth did Buckdodgers get a girlfriend??? :giggle:
  16. G

    true perception of the hearing world?

    I don't dispute that. OK. OK, but please understand that many of those people have failed with oral training and are either jealous or mad at you because they thought you were sucking up to the hearing people. In an ideal world, that wouldn't matter and all people would do both, but...
  17. G

    true perception of the hearing world?

    Thanks. This is just the point I was trying to make. I don't think you should have to be hearing for anything. :hug:
  18. G

    true perception of the hearing world?

    Look, I didn't say I knew what it was like to be deaf. I merely pointed out that the problem you describe has nothing to do with your cochlear implant or speaking abilities. And to go by your little analogy, when you want to fit into Deaf culture, you SIGN. I wouldn't be accepted by anyone in...
  19. G

    true perception of the hearing world?

    But that's not the same thing. The Deaf culture referred to is a signing culture and most of my friends who are deaf and big-D Deaf would like to change the name. Because you don't fit into that culture, your views on it are quite skewed by your refusal to sign. Then why, when I can hear better...
  20. G

    Will my daughter be accepted in the Deaf Community w/ a CI?

    In my opinion, you are handling this the right way, and you and your daughter should have no problem being accepted into the signing Deaf community. I, a hearing person, have a number of deaf friends and they like my involvement in the Deaf community. If you both can sign and don't have an...