How Long Do You Spend on ALLDEAF??


New Member
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Just curious as to how long you spend on the forum?

Am I just crazy that every second I can spare, I am here!!

I'm usually on quite a bit, even there are times I may not be posting, but can or will be checking through the threads, etc., making sure all's well, in order for our members to be able to not only enjoy being here, but to feel at ease while being in here, gathering or exchanging useful information, ideas, opinions, etc., as well as making new acquaintances--the joy of being able to interact with others can have an astounding impact which in turn keeps members coming back for more. :)

It's nice to know that members like yourself keep coming back, shows how we surely can come together as a 'community', no matter the indifferences some may behold, but by being able to strive to get along with one another...which may be one good reason for 'jumping' right into the Forum and being actively involved in various of topics/threads....

Good thread and I do hope you'll continue to enjoy your stay here in AD! ;)
It depends on how bored I am. Today, I am quite bored. Tomorrow? Not so much.
For me, its depends on day but I just almost online on AD about 24/7 days.
I check in frequently during the day to keep tabs on new posts. For the threads that I started or replied in, I get notifications of new activity. AD is a nice site so it has become one of my favorite Internet hangouts. :cool: Dave
come in to check it out for ten mins in every hour, if anything interested then Ill stay alittle longer.
Well, since I'm active on at least 5 different forums, and I rotate through them every couple of weeks, I can't really tell you. (If anyone sees a gnulinuxman with this avatar on another forum, it's probably me. ;))
At work place - 8 hours a day.. .I can lurk and make posts during break times.

At home - hardly time... Depend I have time or not... I spend on the online at most nights in week day. Weekends is hardly... rarely.
usually i come in here a hour or two during daytime then at night time 2 hours or whatever.. depend if i am bored .. :)
At first, I would only check this msgboard once a week but ever since i start to log in this msgboard everyday :cool:
I usually read AD for an hour or 2 after work to relax before start cooking dinner. I visit here almost everday and sometimes over boring weekends when I have no plans. Its a nice way to pass time and read all the interesting and crazy stuff here :lol:
Since I've joined, I've spent at least twenty minutes daily here...
It would be longer, but this isn't the only site I'm addicted to... :)
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I don't know... I'm online every day all day unless i have something going on.. so probubly a good hour or two a day... if not more...

I spend Too much time on the internet...