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  1. lilredridinhood


    I wish I wld get that 2nd job I applied for. I wish I cld get my car "pimped" I wish I wld find true love, and eternal happiness. nope, aint gunna happen
  2. lilredridinhood


    lol yeah he is, and yep whitemoes right
  3. lilredridinhood


    ewww ♀ cooties! good 2 see u bbnt I slept a lot the other day, didn't help, I just gfot benadryl allergy/cold meds. I think its due to allergies.. if I don't feel better by thursday ill go 2 a doc. being sick blows.
  4. lilredridinhood

    Hey members lets say happy thanksgiving

    lmaoo i like that one!:)
  5. lilredridinhood


    im sick. verrrry sick. I've had a spilting headache for a few days where it feels like my heads gonna pop, I've been sneezing nonstop and sometimes when I sneeze, there's blood.. hmm wht else.. I've been coughing too..threw  a few times too. just wanted to mope. ignore me.
  6. lilredridinhood

    Ocean's new toy

    *slaps* TMI!!!!
  7. lilredridinhood

    USA... Right or Wrong?

    usa is def. going to pieces. they gave us the freedom of this n that, and slowly they're taking them away from us. we're in debt, our soliders r dying for no reason, our president is a lying scumbag. tsk.
  8. lilredridinhood


    I've smoked occassionally-but haven't bought so im not 'wastin my $.' im not an addict though, once every few months or so *shrugs* when everything gets tooo hectic for me and I just need to escape for a while, I do. I have a few friends who are addicted and its not a pretty sight (to other...
  9. lilredridinhood

    Ocean's new toy

    my monitor btw.. that's white-moe i'm tlkin to :-D
  10. lilredridinhood

    Ocean's new toy

    lol, lucky. i've got a 00 gateway intel. *shrugs* it does the work.
  11. lilredridinhood


    a few pics of me and my roommates
  12. lilredridinhood

    post funny old pics

    LoL i found my pics from the summer between my soph/jr year
  13. lilredridinhood

    My Banquet Pics!

    can't see
  14. lilredridinhood

    Hey members lets say happy thanksgiving

    wait I thought it was on thurs..
  15. lilredridinhood

    LinuxGold finally got his own place!

    whee, congrats! :) I've my own place but no cable dsl nothing lol :-/
  16. lilredridinhood


    *waves* hiiii bbnt :-D btw, I like tht.. I can relate to it-i'm a night person!
  17. lilredridinhood


    happpppy birthday! :-D
  18. lilredridinhood

    Whats everyones favorite city?

    Hmm, I'd say either my hometown Vegas (nuff said) or Houston-everything's hear and there's SO many deaf people here... well, there's a lot of deaf people in most big cities but... wow. :)
  19. lilredridinhood


    everybody's added.:)
  20. lilredridinhood


    lol duhhhhhhhhhhhhh :)