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  1. KikLove

    How many of you do well-being checks?

    From any of your previous posts I'm not surprised... You need to quit acting like someone's going to die, you're seriously injured, or another natural disaster. My parents are in their early 50s (I was an unexpected baby). They had me later in life after my older brother and sister moved away...
  2. KikLove

    Real Funny and Dumb Laws in USA

    :roll: Sarcastic much?
  3. KikLove

    Talking Dog Device Ready to Hit Market Soon

    :giggle: Imagine what type of stuff they'd say... "Oh hello! *sniff* I'm just so happy to meet you! *sniff*" :roll:
  4. KikLove

    Plans for spring?

  5. KikLove

    How do you handle certain situations? missed the point of what I said. I mentioned more than one way than using a video phone or relay in my previous post.
  6. KikLove

    How many of you are always looking for ways to save money on text messaging?

    Then why not title the thread "texting apps?" Why not mention types of apps that do this in the original post? :shock: Your thread title leads to another discusion.