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  1. Wokamuka

    Russian, U.S. satellites collide in space

    I want answers! <thumping on table>
  2. Wokamuka

    The world's second-ever octuplets were born

    Someone should give this lady an official certificate: BREEDER
  3. Wokamuka

    Is it ever ok for kids NOT to use ASL?

    If my child is, by nature, visual, I'd accomodate. If My child is, by nature, audio, I'd accomodate. Unfortunately, Hearing don't thing the same.
  4. Wokamuka

    Guilty or Not Guilty? [A Game]

    Everyone has done something stupid. Be more specific.
  5. Wokamuka

    michael phelps

    I wonder what Michael Phelps would be like while he is stoned.:cool2:
  6. Wokamuka

    Jackie Chan Launches Summer 2009 Deaflympics in Taipei, Taiwan

    Jackie Chan is in talks to play Mr. Myagi (sp?) in the Karate Kid remake.
  7. Wokamuka

    Free Pancakes from IHOP

    on Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras day.
  8. Wokamuka

    German billionaire kills himself

    If not delusional. Within delusions, one can act selfish.
  9. Wokamuka


    And without an accent, which can only exacerbate a situation.
  10. Wokamuka

    Good Joke for the Christians

  11. Wokamuka

    Indiana bans drivers from smiling in new license photos

    Facial recognition? You're scaring me, already.
  12. Wokamuka

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XI

    Yikes! Glad you're better and received medical attention.
  13. Wokamuka

    Post your gas prices

    And the Economies are not getting better? *sigh* Something's got to give.
  14. Wokamuka

    The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XI

    Pubic hair is pubLic? You slut! :cool2:
  15. Wokamuka

    CapTel Dilemna "Cleaning Out Mom's Garage"

    This is quite something. I think I'll forward it to a lot of my friends. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Wokamuka

    Indiana bans drivers from smiling in new license photos

    The State of Louisiana falls under this category. They issue an id for the "cripple space" folks and it must be available when requested by local and state police officers.
  17. Wokamuka

    Kiss of Deaf

    You got the kiss? I never. ARGH! Lucky you. :squint:
  18. Wokamuka

    Obama A Smoker....

    Obama - who isn't a president even yet.
  19. Wokamuka

    Indiana bans drivers from smiling in new license photos

    :jaw: First time I saw an authentic one . . . I was shocked. First question from me: "What was the purpose?" These times change. I wonder why.