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    Webmail vs. E-mail program

    webmail is dangerous too... anyone can send you html virus infected email. outlook is worst program. get TEXT-based email client that support p0p3. I use old eudoura versions.
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    Webmail vs. E-mail program

    I loth hate webmail so much. :/ I wish yahoo had kept free pop3.
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    Movie Maker on WinXP wont start because of no sound card in my pc. not fair to deaf

    LOL haha I do have video capture card and it works fine. I use other program and OLD microsoft movie editor. I just had to use diff video editors softwares
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    Don't Panic - we still get captioning!

    yea thanks for info.
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    UPS Settles Suit With Deaf Employees

    I agree with deaf258 about taxing some rich hearing people.... I never got good job and no one wants to hire me in the city. I guess i should make money by suing people for not hiring me.
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    Some Captioning to End?

    you see why people should not vote bush. I do not trust him :/
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    Color of hearing aids

    I never know about colored hearing aids.. but my old hearing aid is just normal tan with clearish mod ??? I quit wearing hearing aid years ago.
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    Emoticon Removal?

    LOL wheres that emoticon ;(
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    Expanded Threats... FYI (sticky)

    yeah and Norton are bunch of lamers. I run two anti-virus software and I often check my netstat and tcpview. Im not that scared of viruses as some of you people.
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    Do you log..

    not really but I only save important infos like phone numbers, email addresses, and ftp infos and etc.
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    Computer pop-ups

    i wont trust MOST of other's softwares. even google and others have spywares.
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    If you owned the world...

    1. repeal the laws that censor the stuff. 2. repeal lame copyright laws for software, binaries, and source codes. 3. people should share art and music and software freely. 4. Boot RIAA and other people who hates sharing out of country. 5. make sure open source programming and coding...
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    Alarm clocks

    I use some 20 year old clocks that I collected from goodwill :D go to second hand stores or vintiage stores. and look for some clocks with outlets in back.
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    Anybody pissed off at spam viruses?

    you should know to use TCPView from and watch for any strange exe's :)
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    Movie Maker on WinXP wont start because of no sound card in my pc. not fair to deaf

    basically Im upset about Movie Player because I cant use it :/ I never want to go out and buy sound card. Id wait for a patch. I gonna inform groups of deaf people about myself not able to use the movie maker esp if they do not have sound card in their pc. I would never want sound...
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    Digital Cameras on the Cheap

    look around on ebay. look for people with 100% feedback and REAL pics of camera in person ;) those camera are like half price or less on ebay.
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    Any good pop up ads blocker for free?

    googlebar is waste ! I read about pro blems :/ basically i do not trust most softwares. best to make your own softwares :D
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    ultimate deaf watch for $30

    timex sucks anyway. thet item is gone :/ I buy some led watches anyway.
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    Survey about Drive Thrus at fast food.

    I do not use drive thru and I never used one. my parents does and I get food when i was younger. I just go inside and get food with paper and pen. drive thru is scary to me cause i cant fuckin talk at all.