Don't Panic - we still get captioning!


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Apr 3, 2003
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I could not find the thread that had this topic. Please feel free to move this whenever appripiate.

For those of you who are worrying about closed captioning funds being limited by the government to educational programs this fall...... don't panic! I asked before jumping into conclusions, thankfully. Why are some people scaring others based on lack of research? Grrr....

In an email response from the project officer for CC to my personal inquiries:

"Congress has already addressed the need to expand media access for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing in non-classroom settings. The Television Decoder Circuitry Act of 1990 requires all new television sets to contain a decoder chip that is capable of displaying closed captioned television transmissions. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 (along with a 1997 FCC rulemaking) also contains extensive requirements for the provision of closed captioning, mandating that most television programming be closed captioned by 2006, and requiring captioning of gradually increasing percentages of programming before that date. Given this legislation, most programs no longer captioned with IDEA funds will continue to be accessible through the efforts of the private sector which would include program providers and the broadcast or cable networks."

Of course, I thanked her for her helpful email. :applause:
Awesome!.....Thank You Liza for this information.... :)

but this topic should be under ' Captioning & Interpreter Issues ' since it is related to closed captions.....
Excellent!!! What a perfect Good News! Thanks Liza for the Updated! *Hugs!*
Liza said:
I could not find the thread that had this topic. Please feel free to move this whenever appripiate.

For those of you who are worrying about closed captioning funds being limited by the government to educational programs this fall...... don't panic! I asked before jumping into conclusions, thankfully. Why are some people scaring others based on lack of research? Grrr....

In an email response from the project officer for CC to my personal inquiries:

"Congress has already addressed the need to expand media access for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing in non-classroom settings. The Television Decoder Circuitry Act of 1990 requires all new television sets to contain a decoder chip that is capable of displaying closed captioned television transmissions. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 (along with a 1997 FCC rulemaking) also contains extensive requirements for the provision of closed captioning, mandating that most television programming be closed captioned by 2006, and requiring captioning of gradually increasing percentages of programming before that date. Given this legislation, most programs no longer captioned with IDEA funds will continue to be accessible through the efforts of the private sector which would include program providers and the broadcast or cable networks."

Of course, I thanked her for her helpful email. :applause:

I posted 2 different links under the thread "Captioning & Interpreter Issues". lol ! If you wanna to know what the links are ... here are the 2 links you may want to check ... much similiar like yours from your friend. *Smile*
illustrator said:

See? Nothing to worry about it, mates. so shut up and watch your TV. :lol:

Everyone's just too damn paranoid! :fu: Hahaha!
Liza said:
I could not find the thread that had this topic. Please feel free to move this whenever appripiate.

For those of you who are worrying about closed captioning funds being limited by the government to educational programs this fall...... don't panic! I asked before jumping into conclusions, thankfully. Why are some people scaring others based on lack of research? Grrr....

In an email response from the project officer for CC to my personal inquiries:

"Congress has already addressed the need to expand media access for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing in non-classroom settings. The Television Decoder Circuitry Act of 1990 requires all new television sets to contain a decoder chip that is capable of displaying closed captioned television transmissions. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 (along with a 1997 FCC rulemaking) also contains extensive requirements for the provision of closed captioning, mandating that most television programming be closed captioned by 2006, and requiring captioning of gradually increasing percentages of programming before that date. Given this legislation, most programs no longer captioned with IDEA funds will continue to be accessible through the efforts of the private sector which would include program providers and the broadcast or cable networks."

Of course, I thanked her for her helpful email. :applause:

see the bold.. that's what's going on! Dept of Edu. is just eliminating funds for all non-educational and that does not means all those shows are censored like NAD says so!

see my post which contained a article from NAD Newsletter:

Also, I have emailed NAD, their reply was not in a great detail but only said "believe what you want to believe" that's it.

I think NAD and NCD went overboard on this "funds reductions for cc" issues.

Oh by the way.... the NASCAR race yesterday was indeed captioned! Of course not by "Dept of Education" but by NBC and the captioning firm! that NASCAR show was on the disapproved list by Dept of Edu. so no need to panic!
i hope that Captioning still on tv n movies.. they cant cut off cuz of not FAIR to deaf dont uddy what they talk on tv.. hearings can uddy.. not FAIR to deaf.... so i wanna captioning still stay on!!!!!!! :mrgreen:
TweetyBird said:
i hope that Captioning still on tv n movies.. they cant cut off cuz of not FAIR to deaf dont uddy what they talk on tv.. hearings can uddy.. not FAIR to deaf.... so i wanna captioning still stay on!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

TB, why are you panicking? I already explained above what's happening! YOU will continue to see CC's no matter what! the only thing that cc may not appear is "technical difficulties" occurred by cable station. PERIOD! As technologies improves, things get better, technical difficulties get less and less.!

quit worrying!

ALL NAD did is PANIC!! for nothing! NAD should stuffs their mouth with dirty soaps to quit misleading us!
I just got E-mail moments ago: - I don't know if this has been posted here before. Sorry, I didn't realize this required log in...

Hi Advocates,

I am fed up and frustrated with the Department of Education censoring the
television shows that we all love to watch.

Deeming certain shows as "Uneducational" and cutting off funding to have
these shows captioned is deplorable. How would the hearing world react if
they turned off the SOUND on these shows?

JOIN ME and bombard the White House and President Bush with letters and protests of this blatant Censorship! It's happening all over government.

The Department of Education, the FCC and I'm sure at other branches as
Do we sit here and do nothing? NO! Write your letter today!


Andy Lange
National Association of the Deaf
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Liza said:
I can't view that message since I am not a member of that particular group. Is it possible for you to copy and paste that here?

Thanks Boult for the reinforcement. :)
I didn't realize that link required log in. I just fixed my post. :)

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