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  1. SimonJ

    Feedback About New Website

    You have a flash website, so unable to resize text or view in other colours or my own fonts. So basically useless as accessible site, which given the problems deaf people have you would think would have been thought about.
  2. SimonJ

    What are you doing right now?

    You might want to say 40°C otherwise people may get confused. Nice day at the beach today despite the sharks! :)
  3. SimonJ


    Haha, :welcome: :D
  4. SimonJ

    Do you feel lucky on 10-11-12, a rare sequential date?

    Doesn't work here, although 12-10-12 seems good for today. :)
  5. SimonJ

    Advice Needed

    It might be a great thing for her to be away for a while. Not a holiday but actually moved away with no date of return. Your parents might miss her and you will of course be talking about how she is going and what she is doing. I moved away and it brought my family closer, we love meeting up...
  6. SimonJ

    Extreme Wedding Proposal

    Awesome, well done and clearly surprised! :)
  7. SimonJ

    Spell Cheque

    Trouble is this like reading Facebook posts! :lol:
  8. SimonJ

    Is there anyway to stop sound flow working when I am cycling?

    I gave up cycling, too many close calls. :(
  9. SimonJ

    Android: Best Launcher?

    TouchWiz on the SG3 :)
  10. SimonJ

    Air France: Out of gas? Ask passengers to pitch in

    and your TSA are keeping others out so the small world is getting bigger again <smh>
  11. SimonJ

    New Girl

    Eww, don't want one of those then! haha
  12. SimonJ

    What's the temperature in your town?

    20°C here, but then it is Winter! lol
  13. SimonJ

    just introducing myself

    :welcome: Jamo, are you a fan of irony? Jamo : Home
  14. SimonJ

    New Girl

    Are they mushy? If so why? Oh hi Candy! :)
  15. SimonJ

    Oldest living thing

    Like what? What am I missing?
  16. SimonJ

    Ok, you can sell it for me.....

    I would rather sell it for $15 myself, that way a child gets a bike for $15 not $30. Some people may not be able to spend double for the same thing.
  17. SimonJ

    Why online comment are so toxic

    Yeah, I feel that way here which I why I don't stay for long at a time.
  18. SimonJ

    Why online comment are so toxic

    Which country?
  19. SimonJ

    $2,600 Thank You Bill

    Wasn't the bill for his own treatment? It reads as if he is paying the kids bill when in fact it is his own. I also read that is has been paid for him anyway. :)