Oldest living thing

Also, a tropical forest was found buried under thousands of feet of ice in the frozen Arctic Circle.

Not petrified ... not fossilized .... frozen. Ferns and Palm trees. That frozen baby wooly mammoth had frozen grass and ferns in its mouth.


It appears that a few theories are going to have to be ... changed.

Photos of the baby mammoth here:

I thought wooly mammoths lived in frigid cold climates. At least, that was what was taught in my biology classes in school.

If they lived in frigid cold, and barren climates - why did that baby mammoth have ferns and grass in its mouth?

Perhaps it was the sudden cold and sudden freeze that killed, and preserved the mammoths while they were chewing on subtropical plants?

It was also found buried in frozen "muck".

Muck has to be in a liquid state before it gets frozen right?
Article dated January 13, 1897:

Tropical Greenland - Boston, MA - Jan. 13, 1897

Greenland was once upon a time a tropical country. That is proved absolutely by the remains of an extensive tropical flora which are found there. Where now a sheet of solid ice over a mile thick covers mountain and valley, and mighty frozen rivers called glaciers make their way to the sea and hatch icebergs, there was in earlier days a verdure-clad wilderness of luxuriant vegetation. Together with the palms and tree ferns, there were trees related to the giant sequoias of our own west coast; also representatives of the "gingko," the sacred tree of Japan and of the Eucalyptus family, which today is restricted to Australia. Climbing vines festooned the trunks of these monarchs of an ancient forest with draperies of foliage, while close to the ground grew those curious dwarf trees called "cycads," somewhat resembling palms in miniature, in the midst of a tangled undergrowth of ferns and other flowerless plants that carpted the densely wooded areas.

And during the 80's A Russian Oil Drilling team purported to have dug up frozen pine, palm and date trees from the frozen tundra of the Arctic.